MORTE ! Existe vida após a Morte ?
Para onde vamos quando Morremos ?
Reunimos vários artigos para ajudar você a compreender o assunto "Estado dos Mortos". Porém saiba que a verdadeira esperança dos crentes é a Ressurreição da carne. Esta é a doutrina que é dada para confortar os santos de Deus. É essa a doutrina que a Bíblia enfatiza! Busquemos ter, diante de nossas almas, a Ele e Sua vinda como nossa esperança e gozo.
Creio que o não entendimento da doutrina da natureza do espírito humano, seja uma das razões para adventistas não compreenderem realmente a vida no Espírito e se apegarem ao concerto das letras gravadas em pedras, a qual foi por Cristo abolido (2 Coríntios 3).
Dormirão um sono eterno, e não acordarão...
Refutação de Jeremias 51:39, 57 e o Sono da Alma
Imortalidade da Alma - Site do irmão e amigo Paulo Sérgio de Araújo. Compreendendo o destino humano (para onde vamos?) e a natureza humana (o que somos?).
Imortalidade da Alma - Site do irmão e amigo Paulo Sérgio de Araújo. Compreendendo o destino humano (para onde vamos?) e a natureza humana (o que somos?).
Imortalidade da alma é a crença segundo a qual o ser humano possui em sua constituição, além de um corpo físico, uma alma imaterial e imortal, que preserva seus atributos intelectuais, emocionais e volitivos após a morte desse corpo. Além de crença universal, a imortalidade da alma é uma doutrina que encontra amplo e sólido testemunho na inspirada e inerrante Bíblia Sagrada, a única autoridade cristã em questões de fé e prática.
O objetivo do site Imortalidade da Alma é promover, ensinar e defender, segundo os moldes bíblicos, a doutrina da imortalidade da alma e as demais doutrinas dela resultantes.
“Deus pôs a eternidade no coração do homem” (Ec 3.11)
Estado dos Mortos - J. Mark Martin
O que a Bíblia ensina sobre Espíritos, a Morte e o Inferno - Jeremy Graham
Eclesiastes 9: 5, 6 - O Homem e a Morte por Jerry A. Gladson, Ph. D.
O Espírito Humano por Gently Broken. Se você tivesse que dar uma definição de "alma", você conseguiria? Que tal "espírito"? Qual é a diferença entre os dois? As pessoas possuem espíritos? É o espírito a respiração animadora de Deus que leva a pessoa a vida?
Feitos a imagem de Deus por Gently Broken. De que forma somos feitos à imagem de Deus? Deus está presente em três Pessoas. Somos feitos à imagem de todos as três pessoas? Uma vez que Deus é espírito somos nós também?
Separado, mas não igual por Gently Broken
Imortalidade da Alma por Gently Broken. Você acredita que você vai ser imortal? Quando? Qual é a natureza do espírito em nós? Estamos em perigo, se acreditarmos que temos a imortalidade agora?
Estado dos Mortos - J. Mark Martin
O que a Bíblia ensina sobre Espíritos, a Morte e o Inferno - Jeremy Graham
Eclesiastes 9: 5, 6 - O Homem e a Morte por Jerry A. Gladson, Ph. D.
Medo de Morrer - Parte 1 por Samuel Pestes
Medo de Morrer - Parte 2 por Samuel Pestes
Footsteps of the Messiah (Os Passos do Messias) - Pesquisa EXCELENTE sobre pós-morte. O site ex-Adventist Outreach obteve permissão do Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum para postar uma parte de seu livro "Os Passos do Messias". Esta é uma explicação incrível sobre a Imortalidade da Alma e do Estado dos Mortos. Clique no título do livro para visualizar o PDF (Inglês).
Vida após a morte
Paulo e vida após a morte, em 2 Coríntios 5:1-9
A morte e o inferno
O que acontece quando morremos?
O espírito humano
Carta a um amigo sobre o espírito
Espírito - Índice (Muito Bom) por Gently Broken. Explora de que maneira somos criados à imagem de Deus e como isso muda a definição de "espírito". "E criou Deus o homem à sua imagem: à imagem de Deus o criou; homem e mulher os criou." Gênesis 1:27Medo de Morrer - Parte 2 por Samuel Pestes
Footsteps of the Messiah (Os Passos do Messias) - Pesquisa EXCELENTE sobre pós-morte. O site ex-Adventist Outreach obteve permissão do Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum para postar uma parte de seu livro "Os Passos do Messias". Esta é uma explicação incrível sobre a Imortalidade da Alma e do Estado dos Mortos. Clique no título do livro para visualizar o PDF (Inglês).
Vida após a morte
Paulo e vida após a morte, em 2 Coríntios 5:1-9
A morte e o inferno
O que acontece quando morremos?
O espírito humano
Carta a um amigo sobre o espírito
O Espírito Humano por Gently Broken. Se você tivesse que dar uma definição de "alma", você conseguiria? Que tal "espírito"? Qual é a diferença entre os dois? As pessoas possuem espíritos? É o espírito a respiração animadora de Deus que leva a pessoa a vida?
Feitos a imagem de Deus por Gently Broken. De que forma somos feitos à imagem de Deus? Deus está presente em três Pessoas. Somos feitos à imagem de todos as três pessoas? Uma vez que Deus é espírito somos nós também?
Separado, mas não igual por Gently Broken
Imortalidade da Alma por Gently Broken. Você acredita que você vai ser imortal? Quando? Qual é a natureza do espírito em nós? Estamos em perigo, se acreditarmos que temos a imortalidade agora?
Implicações Espirituais por Gently Broken. A conexão com o Espírito Santo. Mais emocionante do que você jamais sonhou.
O Estado Intermediário por Gently Broken. Digamos que você tenha chegado à decisão de que o espírito de fato, deixa o corpo após a morte. O que acontece então? Levei anos para resolver isso. Gostaria de abordá qualquer cristão que acredita que para ser afastado do corpo irá estar com o Senhor, e grelhe-los nesse ponto. Finalmente, eu percebi que eu teria apenas que ir para as escrituras para mim, em oração, e deixar que Deus me mostre o que veio a seguir. Aqui está o que eu encontrei.
Refutação de Passagens contra a Imortalidade da Alma por Gently Broken.
O Resultado Final (Inferno Juízo Final, Segunda Vinda, etc) por Gently Broken. Se você aceitou que temos um espírito, e esse espírito vai para o Paraíso apos a morte para estar com Cristo, perguntas inevitáveis surgem sobre aqueles que estão perdidos. Foi enraizado em nós abominar o conceito de inferno eterno. Aniquilação parece uma suave solução para o problema do pecado. Poderia ser porque nós inconscientemente nos identificamos com o um pouco perdido do que com os salvos?
O que acontece com os Perdidos? É muito mais fácil falar sobre o espírito deixando o corpo no momento da morte para estar com o Senhor do que falar dos perdidos. Um dos enigmas para mim, uma vez que eu havia rejeitado a idéia do sono da alma, era descobrir o que acontece com os perdidos antes da segunda vinda de Cristo. É certo que ainda não há uma resposta fácil, porque é no reino da teoria, em vez da experiência. Muito do que é dito na Bíblia sobre este assunto é misterioso. Mas há algumas coisas que podemos saber.
O Inferno por Gently Broken. O tema do Inferno não está na lista dos dez melhores sermões para amigáveis buscadores de igreja. Se, no entanto, acreditamos que tudo sobre Deus é bom, então até mesmo o inferno deve ser uma boa notícia. Como poderia ser isso? O que perdemos?
Inferno Redentor por Gently Broken. O conceito de um inferno eterno tem sido o bode expiatório dos teólogos adventistas desde o início de sua história da igreja. Considera-se que rejeitar esta doutrina pode ganhá-los a entrada no céu. Eles sentem que eles estão defendendo Deus. Eles estão?
A Natureza do Homem e a Morte por Dr. Streifling Verle
Alma / Espírito
A Natureza do Homem e a Morte por Dr. Streifling Verle
Alma / Espírito
- Pode a crença no espírito humano ser suportados pela Bíblia? (PDF em Inglês)
Artigos Desafio Cristão
- Alma Morre? - Ezequiel 18:4
- Os mortos estão adormecidos ou conscientes? 2 Reis 14.29
- Este versículo prova que os seres humanos não possuem uma alma que sobrevive à morte? Gênesis 2.7
- Salmos 146.3,4 prova que não há uma existência consciente após a morte?
- Os mortos possuem a lembrança de algo? Salmos 88.11
- O que a Bíblia ensina sobre a situação dos mortos?
- Paulo ensinou a doutrina de que a alma dorme? 1 Tessalonicenses 4:13
- A imortalidade é adquirida, ou já a possuímos? Romanos 2:7
- Seitas e Heresias - Igreja Adventista do 7° Dia
- O Estado Intermediário
- Davi está no céu, ou não? Atos 2:34
- Não me detenhas, porque ainda não subi para meu Pai - Jo 20.17
- Jesus, Sócrates e a imortalidade da alma
- Se Jesus não tinha ainda ascendido até o Pai, como foi que ele entregou antes o seu Espírito ao Pai? João 20:17A Imortalidade da Alma e o Castigo Eterno - Conclusão
- Qual o sentido de Alma - psyche - em Mateus 10.28?
- A Alma e o Inferno - Análise de Mateus 10.28
- Jesus acreditava na imortalidade da alma e no castigo eterno dos perdidos? (Mt 10.28)
- O que é a Geenna?
- O inferno é a sepultura ou um lugar de tormento consciente? Mateus 5:29
- Os mortos têm memória? Eclesiastes 9:5
- Os mortos podem cultuar a Deus, ou eles estão inconscientes? Salmo 115:17
- Aniquilacionismo e Sono da Alma X A Sábia Óptica de Salomão Sobre a Vida Após a Morte
- Os mortos estão dormindo ou estão conscientes?
- Hoje estarás comigo no paraíso (Lc 23.43) - Tradução do Novo Mundo - Testemunhas de Jeová
- O rico e Lázaro - O Inferno e as Testemunhas de Jeová
- Hoje estarás comigo no paraíso (Lc 23.43)
- Alma Morre? - Ezequiel 18:4
- Os mortos não sabem coisa nenhuma - Eclesiastes 9:5
- Neste dia perecem deveras seus pensamentos - Salmo 146:3, 4
- O fato de que os ímpios perecerão significa que eles serão aniquilados? Salmos 99.10
- Os mortos possuem a lembrança de algo? Salmos 88.11
- O fato de que os ímpios perecerão significa que perderão a consciência, como reivindicam os aniquilacionistas? Salmos 37.20
- Quando os ímpios forem exterminados, serão aniquilados? Salmos 37.9, 34
- O que a Bíblia ensina sobre a situação dos mortos?
- A imortalidade é adquirida, ou já a possuímos? Romanos 2:7
- Seitas e Heresias - Igreja Adventista do 7° Dia
- O Estado Intermediário
- A Imortalidade da Alma e o Castigo Eterno - Conclusão
- Qual o significado de destruir (apolesai) em Mateus 10.28, tormento eterno ou aniquilamento?
- Qual o sentido de Alma - psyche - em Mateus 10.28?
- A Alma e o Inferno - Análise de Mateus 10.28
- Jesus acreditava na imortalidade da alma e no castigo eterno dos perdidos? (Mt 10.28)
- O que é a Geenna?
- O inferno é a sepultura ou um lugar de tormento consciente? Mateus 5:29
- Quando os ímpios forem exterminados, eles serão aniquilados? Salmo 37:9, 34
- Aniquilacionismo e Sono da Alma X A Sábia Óptica de Salomão Sobre a Vida Após a Morte
- O ímpio será totalmente aniquilado ou sofrerá um consciente castigo eterno? 2 Tessalonicenses 1:9
- Hoje estarás comigo no paraíso (Lc 23.43)
- Poderia um Deus Amoroso Mandar Pessoas para o Inferno?
- Universalismo e Aniquilacionismo - Seis Por Meia Dúzia
- A perdição significa que os não-salvos serão totalmente aniquilados? 2 Pedro 3:7
- Quando os ímpios forem exterminados, serão aniquilados? Salmos 37.9, 34
- Jesus desceu até o inferno? Efésios 4:9
- Essa passagem dá suporte à doutrina católica do purgatório? 1 Coríntios 3:13-15
- O Estado Intermediário
- Por que Jesus disse que no inferno os vermes não morreriam? Marcos 9:48
- A Imortalidade da Alma e o Castigo Eterno - Conclusão
- Qual o significado de destruir (apolesai) em Mateus 10.28, tormento eterno ou aniquilamento?
- Qual o sentido de Alma - psyche - em Mateus 10.28?
- A Alma e o Inferno - Análise de Mateus 10.28
- Jesus acreditava na imortalidade da alma e no castigo eterno dos perdidos? (Mt 10.28)
- O que é a Geenna?
- O inferno é um lugar de trevas, ou há luz lá? Mateus 8:12
- O inferno é a sepultura ou um lugar de tormento consciente? Mateus 5:29
- O ímpio será totalmente aniquilado ou sofrerá um consciente castigo eterno? 2 Tessalonicenses 1:9
- O rico e Lázaro - O Inferno e as Testemunhas de Jeová
- Deus Acabará Permitindo Que Todos Entrem no Céu?
- Como a Existência do Inferno Pode Combinar com um Deus de Amor?
- Poderia um Deus Amoroso Mandar Pessoas para o Inferno?
- Por Que Deus Criou o Inferno?
- Deus Mandará Alguém Para o Inferno?
- Universalismo e Aniquilacionismo - Seis Por Meia Dúzia
- O Espiritismo afirma: O Inferno não existe!
- Pedro apóia a idéia de que uma pessoa pode ser salva depois da morte? 1 Pedro 3:19
- Os anjos caídos estão amarrados ou acham-se livres para tentar os homens? 2 Pedro 2:4
- A perdição significa que os não-salvos serão totalmente aniquilados? 2 Pedro 3:7
- O destino humano é igual ao dos animais? Eclesiastes 3.19
- Os mortos estão adormecidos ou conscientes? 2 Reis 14.29
- O que a Bíblia ensina sobre a situação dos mortos?
- Somente Deus é imortal, ou os homens também são? 1 Timóteo 6:16
- A imortalidade é adquirida, ou já a possuímos? Romanos 2:7
- O Estado Intermediário
- Davi está no céu, ou não? Atos 2:34
- Não me detenhas, porque ainda não subi para meu Pai - Jo 20.17
- Jesus, Sócrates e a imortalidade da alma
- A Imortalidade da Alma e o Castigo Eterno - Conclusão
- Qual o significado de destruir (apolesai) em Mateus 10.28, tormento eterno ou aniquilamento?
- Qual o sentido de Alma - psyche - em Mateus 10.28?
- A Alma e o Inferno - Análise de Mateus 10.28
- Jesus acreditava na imortalidade da alma e no castigo eterno dos perdidos? (Mt 10.28)
- O rico e Lázaro - O Inferno e as Testemunhas de Jeová
- 12 evidências bíblicas de vida após a morte
- A morte é um sono?
- A Sábia Óptica de Salomão Sobre a Vida Após a Morte
- Alma
- Dormência da Alma (Psicopaniquia)
- Evidências em favor da consciência eterna do perdido
- Jesus ou Moisés: quem é "as primícias dos mortos"?
- O estado da alma depois da morte
- Perguntas rápidas sobre o aniquilacionismo
Imortalidade da Alma
Imortalidade da Alma
SDA Believe> p.351, illustrates the fact that we do not have an immortal soul by using, 1 Corinthians 15 where Paul says the mortal will have to put on immortality. These verses however cannot be used to prove this point because they concern the resurrection of the body and have nothing to do with the soul. However there are a number of Scriptures that clearly show this doctrine cannot be true.
# 1. Matthew 22:32 shows that the departed saints are living and conscious with an immortal life that goes beyong the grave.
# 2. 1 Thessalonians 5:10 shows that even if someone is 'asleep' (term used in Scripture for death) they are still alive in an immortal sense with Christ.
# 3. Matthew 10:28 shows that no one on earth can destroy the soul. Only God who created it can destroy it, if He wants to. In other words the soul is beyond the mortal, i.e. it's immortal.
# 4. Ezekiel 18:4-9 shows that whereas the soul that sins will die, not just physically because all die physically, that same soul, if it will repent, will live, not just physically, but immortally.
Sono da Alma
Depois da morte - F. G. Patterson
Ensino Adventista do Sono da Alma Origens dessa doutrina e de sua história no Adventismo.
Settling the Soul Sleep Controversy By David J. Stewart
SDA Believe>p.352 outlines their belief that death means a 'state of temporary unconsciousness while the person awaits the resurrection.'
A number of the verses in the above section are relevant to showing this point is unscriptural too. However we can also add. 1. Numbers 16:30; Psalm 16:19; Psalm 55:15; Psalm 116:3; Isaiah 14:9-10; Proverbs 23:14 all show that there is life in sheol, after the person has died physically and gone there. 2. Luke 23:43; 2 Corinthians 5:1-8; Philippians 1:23, all show that at death our soul is separated from the body and goes straight to be with the Lord. 3. Hebrews 12: 23 shows that the spirits of the dead are already with the Lord.
SDA Believe> pp.369-373 outlines their belief that there is no such place as literal hell but that the wicked will suffer by means of total destruction. There are other Christians who also hold to this belief but we believe that the Bible says something very different.
# 1. Mark 9:43. How is it better to be crippled in this life than to go off into annihilation? This only makes sense if we are talking about eternal punishment.
# 2. Matthew 26:24. It would be better if this man had not been born. However is his punishment was simply to be annihilated it would have been no different.
# 3. Matthew 25:46 uses the same word 'eternal' both for the punishment of the wicked and the life of the righteoous. It must have the same meaning in both cases, i.e. lasting forever.
# 4. Matthew 12:32. If there is not punishment for wilful sin in the age to come, this Scripture would not need to emphasise that there would be no forgiveness then.
There are one or two other minor points of difference in these last sections but they need not worry us at this time.
Inferno / Sheol / Geena
Doutrina: Inferno por Russell Earl Kelly, PHD
EXCELENTE Livro sobre o Inferno
Pode o Inferno Eterno ser suportados pela Bíblia?
Hell: After-Death Punishmetn
Appendix 1: Sheol, Abaddon and the Soul
Appendix 2: Hades and the Soul
103 Questions About The Soul and Sheol
The Truth about HELL
The Truth About Hell By David J. Stewart
Soul Sleep - (spiritual snoozing) - What really happens when we die?
The Truth about HELL
The Truth About Hell By David J. Stewart
Soul Sleep - (spiritual snoozing) - What really happens when we die?
• Because of their lack of understanding of the nature of man, Adventists do not have a policy against abortion. Their statement allows for women to choose whether or not to have one.
• Also because of their misunderstanding of the nature of the human soul, Adventists do not have a clear doctrine on the nature of Christ. They cannot agree about whether or not he was born with Mary's sinful genes, and they likewise cannot agree whether or not Jesus could have sinned. They teach that he came to be our example, and since he kept the law perfectly even with his human inheritance, so can we.
• Hell is not eternal. There will be a cleansing fire to burn up the old earth and the sinners before the new earth appears. All the wicked will be annihilated in the fire. The most wicked will burn longer than the least wicked. Satan will burn the longest.
7. Nature of Man: "Though created free beings, each is an indivisible unity of body, mind, and spirit, dependent upon God for life and breath and all else." Genesis 2:7 Body + Spirit = Soul
SDAs deny the immortality of the soul. They teach that the soul is a "living person" and disintegrates into nothing at death. Therefore nobody goes to heaven at death and the resurrection is a recreation from nothing.
==2 Cor 5:8; Jn 14:1-2==
"When our first parents disobeyed God, they denied their dependence upon Him and fell from their high position under God. The image of God in them was marred and they became subject to death."
Gen 2:17 is contentious for both SDAs and others: "for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." SDAs accuse us of supporting Satan's lie.Death and Resurrection:
"The wages of sin is death. But God, who alone is immortal, will grant eternal life to His redeemed. Until that day death is an unconscious state for all people."
This is deceptive. SDAs use the term "soul sleep" but they mean "annihilation" --the soul ceases to exist at death and even the righteous must wait until the resurrection to have eternal life with God.
"When Christ, who is our life, appears, the resurrected righteous and the living righteous will be glorified and caught up to meet their Lord."
SDAs deny that Jesus brings the souls of believing saints back with him per 1 Thess 4:13-17. They deny that souls of saints immediately go to heaven at death. 2 Cor 5:8
"The second resurrection, the resurrection of the unrighteous, will take place a thousand years later." Eccl. 9:5, 6
SDAs deny that souls of the wicked suffer at death.
Death, state in
A Dead Doctrine May/Jun 2001
Death: Oblivion or Graduation? Jul/Aug 2003
If what you believe is not Biblical... Nov/Dec 2006
Paul and the After Life May/Jun 2001
Rethinking Life After Death May/Jun 2001
The Dead Know Nothing May/Jun 2002
The Human Spirit: Breath or Core Identity? Sep/Oct 2004
The Nature of Man and Death May/Jun 2001
Human Spirit
If What You Believe is Not Biblical... Nov/Dec 2006
The Human Spirit: Breath or Core Identity? Sep/Oct 2004
If What You Believe is Not Biblical... Nov/Dec 2006
The Human Spirit: Breath or Core Identity? Sep/Oct 2004
Abortion, Part 1, Less Than Human? Jan/Feb 2003
Abortion, Part 2, The Quality of Life Ethic Mar/Apr 2003
Abortion, Part 3, The Call To Commitment May/Jun 2003
Cultic Spirit
Unmasking the Cultic Spirit Jan/Feb 2006
What do Adventists believe happens when you die?
Is it possible for someone to have died as an Adventist and still be saved?
What do Adventists teach about Hell?
If when we die we continue to live what is the purpose of the resurection?
I understand your objection against 1844. But the Bible is clear that the dead know not anything ( Eccl. 9:1-10; etc.). Be careful of being angry against everything associated with Adventisim even if scriptural.
After Lazarus died, Jesus told his deciples the he "slept', and they misunderstood thinking that he would improve, but then he explained to them that he in fact had died. Does this mean that death equals sleep, or had Lazarus cognitive self, soul or spirit, go to heaven, then returned to earth again after he was resurrected, can you help?
If we die before Jesus comes what happens to us and what does the Scriture "and the dead in Christ shall rise" mean?
When you say the body is asleep as the New Testament references doesn't sleep mean you are not conscious?
I heard in one of your MP3's about the state of the dead, and it all sounds pretty convincing. I've been brought up an Adventist, but have recently discovered Colossians 2:16 & Hebrews 10:1. Awesome stuff. But are you sure that Luke 16 is not a parable? I remember you saying that all parables began with "And he spake to them in a parable..." But not all parables seem to start that way?
How do you reconcile an eternal conscious hell with God's love? Why would a God of love put us in such as predicament so as to burn forever if we reject Him?
Recently Added FAQs To This Topic
Recently Added FAQs To This Topic
Neo-Sadduceeism (Acts 23:6-9) Refuted!!!
Death and the Afterlife by Dr. Robert A. Morey
Morey challenged SDA Leroy Froom's position on death and hell. Walter Martin gave high praise for this book. It gives a side of death and hell with a different understanding than that of Adventism. Recommended by Walter Martin.
ISBN 0-7642-2686-X [X] is paperback edition 315 pages
Order From Faith Defenders: This book is the most detailed work on the doctrine of the immortality of the soul and eternal conscious punishment. It also refutes the doctrines of soul sleep, conditionalism, occultism and universalism. Recommended by Walter Martin, Roger Nicole, and Gary Habermas. 315 pages.
Read on line:
Hell or Annihilation?
Adventism does not teach eternal punishment for the disobedient. In effect, Adventists interpret the hell promised by Christ as a mercy killing so the lost do not suffer the consequences of their rejection of the eternal sacrifice of Christ on the cross. Only by redefining the meaning of the biblical words can one avoid the terrible consequence of rejecting Christ. At the end of Jesus' discourse in Matthew 25, he tells the consequences for the righteous and wicked:
Matt. 25:46 ESV: "And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."
The Clear Word removes the reference to "eternal life" and redefines "eternal punishment":
Matt. 25:46, TCW: "I have no choice but to end your lives, because in my kingdom everyone cares about everyone else.'"
In Adventist theology, the unrighteous dead are awaiting God's judgment which will follow their resurrection at the end of time. Once judged, they will be annihilated, never to suffer again. In contrast to this belief, Peter states:
1 Peter 2:9, ESV: "then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment."
Adventist doctrine cannot have the wicked being punished now, however, because this belief contradicts both their doctrine of soul sleep and the ongoing "investigative judgment". Blanco settles this problem by reworking this verse to read:
1 Peter 2:9, TCW: "From Lot's experience you can see that the Lord knows how to rescue His people but bring the wicked to judgment to face what they have done."
Other distinctive SDA teachings include vegetarianism and other “health” issues; the doctrine of “soul sleep,” a misnomer for the belief that between death and resurrection one is essentially non-existentexcept in the memory of God; the annihilation of the wicked (as opposed to conscious torment for eternity).
Other doctrines: Some of the SDA health message may actually be helpful, and it does not conflict with the gospel except when, as is often the case, spiritual stigma is attached to non-observance of its asceticism (Gal. 2:11-16). The soul-sleep doctrine conflicts with the gospel because, closely examined and fully understood, it actually constitutes a denial of the resurrection (though it is doubtful any SDA understands it to be so). Notwithstanding a smattering of “proof-texts,” the annihilation doctrine is definitely aberrant from the teaching of the Bible. It leaves the sinner facing no eternal consequences for his sin; angst over annihilation will not survive annihilation. Indeed, many people today think annihilation preferable to even this life. They live on only because they cannot shake the conviction that there is “hell to pay.” God has set eternity in their hearts (Eccl. 3:11).
SDA Believe> p.351, illustrates the fact that we do not have an immortal soul by using, 1 Corinthians 15 where Paul says the mortal will have to put on immortality. These verses however cannot be used to prove this point because they concern the resurrection of the body and have nothing to do with the soul. However there are a number of Scriptures that clearly show this doctrine cannot be true.
1. Matthew 22:32 shows that the departed saints are living and conscious with an immortal life that goes beyong the grave.
2. 1 Thessalonians 5:10 shows that even if someone is 'asleep' (term used in Scripture for death) they are still alive in an immortal sense with Christ.
3. Matthew 10:28 shows that no one on earth can destroy the soul. Only God who created it can destroy it, if He wants to. In other words the soul is beyond the mortal, i.e. it's immortal.
4. Ezekiel 18:4-9 shows that whereas the soul that sins will die, not just physically because all die physically, that same soul, if it will repent, will live, not just physically, but immortally.
SDA Believe>p.352 outlines their belief that death means a 'state of temporary unconsciousness while the person awaits the resurrection.'A number of the verses in the above section are relevant to showing this point is unscriptural too. However we can also add. 1. Numbers 16:30; Psalm 16:19; Psalm 55:15; Psalm 116:3; Isaiah 14:9-10; Proverbs 23:14 all show that there is life in sheol, after the person has died physically and gone there. 2. Luke 23:43; 2 Corinthians 5:1-8; Philippians 1:23, all show that at death our soul is separated from the body and goes straight to be with the Lord. 3. Hebrews 12: 23 shows that the spirits of the dead are already with the Lord.
NO HELL ONLY ANNIHILATIONSDA Believe> pp.369-373 outlines their belief that there is no such place as literal hell but that the wicked will suffer by means of total destruction. There are other Christians who also hold to this belief but we believe that the Bible says something very different.
1. Mark 9:43. How is it better to be crippled in this life than to go off into annihilation? This only makes sense if we are talking about eternal punishment.
2. Matthew 26:24. It would be better if this man had not been born. However is his punishment was simply to be annihilated it would have been no different.
3. Matthew 25:46 uses the same word 'eternal' both for the punishment of the wicked and the life of the righteoous. It must have the same meaning in both cases, i.e. lasting forever.
4. Matthew 12:32. If there is not punishment for wilful sin in the age to come, this Scripture would not need to emphasise that there would be no forgiveness then.
There are one or two other minor points of difference in these last sections but they need not worry us at this time.
What do you think this means? "Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord... We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord." 2 Cor 5:6-8 (NIV)
The Seventh-day Adventist Church teaches that the spirit which returns to God at death is just breath or life force. It is linked with the teaching of soul sleep, also called "the state of the dead." Annihilation is a related belief. Adventists feel that giving up these beliefs will result in deception from the enemy. Is soul sleep a false doctrine, or are Christians wrong when they quote Paul saying, "Away from the body, at home with the Lord"? Are they in danger for believing in the immortality of the soul?
The study on "Spirit" (linked below under "Spirit") explores the essence of the human spirit as it relates to the state of the dead, soul sleep, annihilation, and the immortality of the soul all supported by Ellen White. A correct understanding of our human spirits has an important impact on our communion with God - Who IS Spirit. It can also remove from us the fear of death. The first chapter is a story about someone you may know.
Universalismo - as falsas premissas
Jezus geeft ons in de vertelling van de rijke man en de arme Lazarus geen uitgewerkte leer over de z.g. tussentoestand, de tijd tussen sterven en opstanding. De strekking van de gelijkenis is er immers op gericht, dat de manier van geldbesteding vandaag gevolgen heeft voor na dit leven. Toch ontvangen de hoorders in verband met die strekking zijdelings informatie over wat er direct na het sterven gebeurt. Want het moment van sterven is het grote keerpunt. Jezus illustreert in de gelijkenis wat Hij tevoren onomwonden had gezegd over wat er direct na het sterven gebeurt: op hetzelfde moment dat het geld wegvalt (bij het sterven), worden wij gastvrij opgenomen in eeuwige tenten (Trimp, 1990, p. 52).
Spirit (Table of Contents)
A Mystery
Adventist Teaching on Soul Sleep
The Human Spirit
Made In the Image of God
Separate But Not Equal
The Immortality of the Soul
Spiritual Implications
The Intermediate State
What Do the Proof Texts Prove?
The Final Outcome
What of the Lost?
The Search For Hell
Redeeming Hell
Appendix: What Languages Did Paul Speak?
Books Consulted
Zevende-dags adventisten gaan, op grond van hun interpretatie van de in de Bijbel gebruikte woorden hel en eeuwig, uit van de vernietiging van de goddelozen. Volgens hen zal God niet veroordelen tot eeuwige rampzaligheid. De Bijbel en ook Jezus zelf spreken echter nadrukkelijk van een eeuwige straf en het ver van God zijn voor hen die Hem niet willen volgen.
Vernietiging van de goddelozen
Het lot van de goddelozen is eeuwige straf
De hel
Teksten waarin de hel wordt genoemd
Overige opmerkingen over het woord eeuwig
Eeuwig is eeuwig: een analyse van Griekse terminologie in bijbels spraakgebruik
In tegenstelling tot de opvatting van de zevende-dags adventisten – doden verkeren in een onbewuste toestand tot de opwekking – spreekt de Bijbel over gelovigen die gelijk na hun dood bij Christus mogen zijn. Ze krijgen niet het eeuwige leven, maar hebben het eeuwige leven al ontvangen.
De doden rusten in het graf
Gelijk bij Jezus (1/3)
Gelijk bij Jezus (2/3)
Gelijk bij Jezus (3/3)
De ziel is niet onsterfelijk
Het leven met Christus in het Vaderhuis
Doden slapen niet
Soul sleep - are the dead alive in heaven, or not? ... by Stephen Korsman
Away from the body
O que acontece quando você morre? - J. Mark Martin
SDA Believe> p.351, illustrates the fact that we do not have an immortal soul by using, 1 Corinthians 15 where Paul says the mortal will have to put on immortality. These verses however cannot be used to prove this point because they concern the resurrection of the body and have nothing to do with the soul. However there are a number of Scriptures that clearly show this doctrine cannot be true.
1. Matthew 22:32 shows that the departed saints are living and conscious with an immortal life that goes beyong the grave.
2. 1 Thessalonians 5:10 shows that even if someone is 'asleep' (term used in Scripture for death) they are still alive in an immortal sense with Christ.
3. Matthew 10:28 shows that no one on earth can destroy the soul. Only God who created it can destroy it, if He wants to. In other words the soul is beyond the mortal, i.e. it's immortal.
4. Ezekiel 18:4-9 shows that whereas the soul that sins will die, not just physically because all die physically, that same soul, if it will repent, will live, not just physically, but immortally.
SDA Believe>p.352 outlines their belief that death means a 'state of temporary unconsciousness while the person awaits the resurrection.'A number of the verses in the above section are relevant to showing this point is unscriptural too. However we can also add. 1. Numbers 16:30; Psalm 16:19; Psalm 55:15; Psalm 116:3; Isaiah 14:9-10; Proverbs 23:14 all show that there is life in sheol, after the person has died physically and gone there. 2. Luke 23:43; 2 Corinthians 5:1-8; Philippians 1:23, all show that at death our soul is separated from the body and goes straight to be with the Lord. 3. Hebrews 12: 23 shows that the spirits of the dead are already with the Lord.
NO HELL ONLY ANNIHILATIONSDA Believe> pp.369-373 outlines their belief that there is no such place as literal hell but that the wicked will suffer by means of total destruction. There are other Christians who also hold to this belief but we believe that the Bible says something very different.
1. Mark 9:43. How is it better to be crippled in this life than to go off into annihilation? This only makes sense if we are talking about eternal punishment.
2. Matthew 26:24. It would be better if this man had not been born. However is his punishment was simply to be annihilated it would have been no different.
3. Matthew 25:46 uses the same word 'eternal' both for the punishment of the wicked and the life of the righteoous. It must have the same meaning in both cases, i.e. lasting forever.
4. Matthew 12:32. If there is not punishment for wilful sin in the age to come, this Scripture would not need to emphasise that there would be no forgiveness then.
There are one or two other minor points of difference in these last sections but they need not worry us at this time.
What do you think this means? "Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord... We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord." 2 Cor 5:6-8 (NIV)
The Seventh-day Adventist Church teaches that the spirit which returns to God at death is just breath or life force. It is linked with the teaching of soul sleep, also called "the state of the dead." Annihilation is a related belief. Adventists feel that giving up these beliefs will result in deception from the enemy. Is soul sleep a false doctrine, or are Christians wrong when they quote Paul saying, "Away from the body, at home with the Lord"? Are they in danger for believing in the immortality of the soul?
The study on "Spirit" (linked below under "Spirit") explores the essence of the human spirit as it relates to the state of the dead, soul sleep, annihilation, and the immortality of the soul all supported by Ellen White. A correct understanding of our human spirits has an important impact on our communion with God - Who IS Spirit. It can also remove from us the fear of death. The first chapter is a story about someone you may know.
Universalismo - as falsas premissas
Jezus geeft ons in de vertelling van de rijke man en de arme Lazarus geen uitgewerkte leer over de z.g. tussentoestand, de tijd tussen sterven en opstanding. De strekking van de gelijkenis is er immers op gericht, dat de manier van geldbesteding vandaag gevolgen heeft voor na dit leven. Toch ontvangen de hoorders in verband met die strekking zijdelings informatie over wat er direct na het sterven gebeurt. Want het moment van sterven is het grote keerpunt. Jezus illustreert in de gelijkenis wat Hij tevoren onomwonden had gezegd over wat er direct na het sterven gebeurt: op hetzelfde moment dat het geld wegvalt (bij het sterven), worden wij gastvrij opgenomen in eeuwige tenten (Trimp, 1990, p. 52).
Spirit (Table of Contents)
A Mystery
Adventist Teaching on Soul Sleep
The Human Spirit
Made In the Image of God
Separate But Not Equal
The Immortality of the Soul
Spiritual Implications
The Intermediate State
What Do the Proof Texts Prove?
The Final Outcome
What of the Lost?
The Search For Hell
Redeeming Hell
Appendix: What Languages Did Paul Speak?
Books Consulted
Zevende-dags adventisten gaan, op grond van hun interpretatie van de in de Bijbel gebruikte woorden hel en eeuwig, uit van de vernietiging van de goddelozen. Volgens hen zal God niet veroordelen tot eeuwige rampzaligheid. De Bijbel en ook Jezus zelf spreken echter nadrukkelijk van een eeuwige straf en het ver van God zijn voor hen die Hem niet willen volgen.
Vernietiging van de goddelozen
Het lot van de goddelozen is eeuwige straf
De hel
Teksten waarin de hel wordt genoemd
Overige opmerkingen over het woord eeuwig
Eeuwig is eeuwig: een analyse van Griekse terminologie in bijbels spraakgebruik
In tegenstelling tot de opvatting van de zevende-dags adventisten – doden verkeren in een onbewuste toestand tot de opwekking – spreekt de Bijbel over gelovigen die gelijk na hun dood bij Christus mogen zijn. Ze krijgen niet het eeuwige leven, maar hebben het eeuwige leven al ontvangen.
De doden rusten in het graf
Gelijk bij Jezus (1/3)
Gelijk bij Jezus (2/3)
Gelijk bij Jezus (3/3)
De ziel is niet onsterfelijk
Het leven met Christus in het Vaderhuis
Doden slapen niet
Soul sleep - are the dead alive in heaven, or not? ... by Stephen Korsman
Away from the body
O que acontece quando você morre? - J. Mark Martin
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