PROBLEMA: Em Levítico 16 foi estabelecido o procedimento para o Dia da Expiação, determinando-se que um bode fosse morto como oferecimento pelo pecado, para propiciação no Lugar Santo, e que se fizesse a confissão dos pecados de Israel sobre a cabeça de outro bode, que seria enviado para o deserto. Entretanto, isso não constitui uma figura adequada, devido à duplicidade de sacrifícios, pois há apenas um sacrifício por nossos pecados, e não dois (Hb 10:14).
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O Bode Emissário de Levítico 16 - Cristo ou Satanás?
PROBLEMA: Em Levítico 16 foi estabelecido o procedimento para o Dia da Expiação, determinando-se que um bode fosse morto como oferecimento pelo pecado, para propiciação no Lugar Santo, e que se fizesse a confissão dos pecados de Israel sobre a cabeça de outro bode, que seria enviado para o deserto. Entretanto, isso não constitui uma figura adequada, devido à duplicidade de sacrifícios, pois há apenas um sacrifício por nossos pecados, e não dois (Hb 10:14).
Azazel / Bode Emissário
Adventistas ensinam que Azazel o Bode emissário de Levíticos simboliza Satanás. Todas as nossas iniqüidades serão carregadas pelo diabo.
Segundo eles durante o milênio, Satanás, levará sobre si a culpa dos pecados que fez o povo de Deus cometer, e será confinado e esta terra desolada e sem habitantes.
Afirma Ellen White (profetisa):
Num Santuário Celestial ou à Destra de Deus?
O Sábado
Juízo Investigativo
Venha explorar a doutrina base da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo dia. Descubra por que os primeiros líderes do Adventismo estabeleceram essa crença, após as previsões de William Miller sobre a Volta de Cristo, em1843/44, terem falhado.
"A passagem que, mais que todas as outras, havia sido tanto a base como a coluna central da fé do advento, foi: "Até duas mil e trezentas tardes e manhãs; e o santuário será purificado." Daniel 8:14." O Grande Conflito, Ellen G. White, p. 409.
A Doutrina do Santuário Celestial
A crença que surgiu para resolver a confusão causada pelo "Grande Desapontamento" milerita de 22 de outubro de 1844.
A doutrina do Juízo investigativo (Juízo Pré-Advento) é o pilar, ou, para colocar de outra forma, o núcleo da doutrina adventista. Todas as outras doutrinas "exclusivas" são raios emitidos de seu núcleo, incluindo: o sábado, a interpretação das três mensagens angélicas, o estado dos mortos e a posição da IASD como Igreja remanescente da profecia bíblica. Foi o desenvolvimento dessa doutrina que também instalou Ellen White como profeta da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo dia.
Ellen G. White
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"Amados, não creiais a todo espírito, mas provai se os espíritos são de Deus, porque já muitos falsos profetas têm saído pelo mundo" (I João 4:1). |
Ellen G. White e a IASD: Nenhuma outra pessoa teve tanta influência no desenvolvimento da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia como Ellen White. Desde o início, Adventistas do Sétimo Dia tem tido diferentes opiniões quanto à natureza exata do papel que Ellen White deve ocupar na igreja.
Os Testemunhos de Ellen White são inspirados por Deus ou em obras alheias? Você pode citar algum profeta que começou a ter visões após ser atingido em sua cabeça por uma pedra? Nós convidamos você a ler os nossos estudos sobre a profeta da IASD, uma mulher fascinante. Os recursos incluem uma comparação entre os profetas da Bíblia e o ministério de Ellen White, os testes bíblicos de um profeta, um esboço biográfico, e muito mais. . . .
Os Testemunhos de Ellen White são inspirados por Deus ou em obras alheias? Você pode citar algum profeta que começou a ter visões após ser atingido em sua cabeça por uma pedra? Nós convidamos você a ler os nossos estudos sobre a profeta da IASD, uma mulher fascinante. Os recursos incluem uma comparação entre os profetas da Bíblia e o ministério de Ellen White, os testes bíblicos de um profeta, um esboço biográfico, e muito mais. . . .
“Um dos dons do Espírito Santo é a profecia. Este dom é uma característica da Igreja remanescente e foi manifestado no ministério de Ellen G. White. Como a mensageira do Senhor, seus escritos são uma contínua e autorizada fonte de verdade e proporcionam conforto, orientação, instrução e correção à Igreja.” 18. O Dom de Profecia
- Ellen White por Dirk Anderson
Para Refletir: Ellen G. White instou a seus seguidores a crer na Bíblia e somente na Bíblia, mas ao mesmo tempo ditou que seus escritos seguiriam em vigência até o fim do mundo e que os detratores de seus escritos se perderiam. A segunda afirmação não anula e contradiz a primeira?
Ellen G. White e os Pilares da Validade Profética
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Os 5 Pilares da Validade Profética |
Com base nos 5 Pilares (Honestidade e Integridade, Fidelidade à Escritura, Precisão da Profecias, Testemunho sobre Jesus e Frutos do Ministério) Joe Rector apresenta "Questões Cruciais" que ajudam a determinar a validade do ministério profético de Ellen White. Os tópicos incluem o incidente em Dammon, a visão da "porta fechada", suas profecias, e a Trindade.
“Nas cartas que escrevo, nos testemunhos que dou estou apresentando-lhes o que o Senhor a mim revelou. Nunca escrevi um artigo que expressasse simplesmente minhas idéias. Meus escritos são o que Deus tem revelado em visão e preciosos rios de luz partem brilhando do seu trono.” (The Testimonies Slighted, p. 67, vol V).
Perfeição: Salvação de acordo com Ellen White?
Ellen White: Profeta ou Não?
Clique na imagem e descubra.
Citações Polêmicas saídas da pena de Ellen G. White: "Satanás tomou posse completa das igrejas ...."
Veja o que a Sra. White disse sobre diversos assuntos como: adoção, amalgamação de homem e besta, anjos, crianças, moda, saúde, atividades de lazer, Movimento Millerita (1844), dinheiro, profecias, etc.
Clique na imagem e descubra.
Citações Polêmicas saídas da pena de Ellen G. White: "Satanás tomou posse completa das igrejas ...."
Veja o que a Sra. White disse sobre diversos assuntos como: adoção, amalgamação de homem e besta, anjos, crianças, moda, saúde, atividades de lazer, Movimento Millerita (1844), dinheiro, profecias, etc.
Posição Ellen G. White na Igreja Adventista
Ellen G.White e o Plágio - Parte I por Phillipe Hotman
Ellen G.White e o Plágio - Parte II por Phillipe Hotman
Ellen G.White e o Plágio - Parte III por Phillipe Hotman
Ellen G.White e o Plágio - Conclusões (por Phillipe Hotman)
O fator aniquilador nos escritos de Ellen White por Haroldo S. Camacho, Ph.D.
O que significa "O Testemunho de Jesus?"
A Importância da Lesão na Cabeça de Ellen White
A prisão e julgamento de Israel Dammon
(Você realmente conhece a história adventista?)
Ellen G. White: Profeta? ou Plagiadora!
Ellen G. White é uma Profeta?
Considerações sobre Ellen White
EGW: Mais do que um profeta?
Reformadores Pró-saúde Antes de Ellen G. White
Mitos de Ellen G. White Sydney Cleveland
Ellen Gould White - a Profetisa que Falhou
Ellen G. White By Don Hawley
O Desejado de Todas as Nações
O Desejado de Todas as Nações Não é Inspirado Robert K. Sanders
O Desejado de Todas as Nações: Os dados do projeto por Fred Veltman. (Este é apenas um resumo do relatório original de 100 páginas. Você pode encontrar o relatório completo em sob o link "Life of Christ Research Project.")
A Biblioteca do Congresso Recomendou "O Desejado de Todas as Nações"?
O Adventismo do Sétimo Dia e os Escritos de Ellen G. White Livro de J. Mark Martin outro link aqui.
Os escritos de Ellen G. White foram alterados?
Transcrições da Conferência de 1919 mostram que o Presidente da Igreja e os professores sabiam que a "Profetisa" falhou e não foi inspirada.
Ellen G.White e o Plágio - Parte I por Phillipe Hotman
Ellen G.White e o Plágio - Parte II por Phillipe Hotman
Ellen G.White e o Plágio - Parte III por Phillipe Hotman
Ellen G.White e o Plágio - Conclusões (por Phillipe Hotman)
O fator aniquilador nos escritos de Ellen White por Haroldo S. Camacho, Ph.D.
O que significa "O Testemunho de Jesus?"
A Importância da Lesão na Cabeça de Ellen White
A prisão e julgamento de Israel Dammon
(Você realmente conhece a história adventista?)
Ellen G. White: Profeta? ou Plagiadora!
Ellen G. White é uma Profeta?
Considerações sobre Ellen White
EGW: Mais do que um profeta?
Reformadores Pró-saúde Antes de Ellen G. White
Mitos de Ellen G. White Sydney Cleveland
Ellen Gould White - a Profetisa que Falhou
Ellen G. White By Don Hawley
O Desejado de Todas as Nações
O Desejado de Todas as Nações Não é Inspirado Robert K. Sanders
O Desejado de Todas as Nações: Os dados do projeto por Fred Veltman. (Este é apenas um resumo do relatório original de 100 páginas. Você pode encontrar o relatório completo em sob o link "Life of Christ Research Project.")
A Biblioteca do Congresso Recomendou "O Desejado de Todas as Nações"?
O Adventismo do Sétimo Dia e os Escritos de Ellen G. White Livro de J. Mark Martin outro link aqui.
Os escritos de Ellen G. White foram alterados?
Transcrições da Conferência de 1919 mostram que o Presidente da Igreja e os professores sabiam que a "Profetisa" falhou e não foi inspirada.
Artigos CACP:
The White Lie
Declaração do CRI fundado por Walter Martin (no Brasil ICP) sobre o livro de Walter Rea onde ele documenta os empréstimos literários (plágios) de Ellen White, referidos por ela como sendo visões dadas por Deus.
Ellen White - Ela teve visões ou convulsões? (Inglês)
Veja acima o documento médico e tire suas conclusões.
Ellen White - Did She Have Visions or Seizures?
Ellen G. White & a Bíblia por W. H. Olson
Ellen G. White contradiz a Bíblia?
Jesus tinha irmãos "mais velhos"?
Falsas profecias dos Adventistas do Sétimo Dia Ellen G. White (1827-1915, falsa profetisa, Plagiadora)
Falhas Proféticas de Ellen G. White por V. Streifling, Ph.D.
Inspiração Bíblica e Ellen G. White por Russell Earl Kelly, Ph.D.
As Contradições de E. G. White - O Espírito da Profecia Adventista
Reforma de Saúde ou Mito de Saúde?
Seria isso Racismo?
A Desconhecida História de Quatro Importantes Livros Adventistas
O Sonho "Diabólico" de Ellen G. White
Ellen Sonha com James [Tiago White] Após Sua Morte
Ellen Dreams of James After His Death
O Que diz Ellen White Sobre a Idade da Terra?
Profissão de Fé em Ellen G. White
Ellen G. White e a Trindade
A Grande Esperança: Ellen G. White Escreveu Este Livro?
Ellen G. White, SDA Prophet (
Veja acima o documento médico e tire suas conclusões.
Ellen White - Did She Have Visions or Seizures?
Ellen G. White & a Bíblia por W. H. Olson
Ellen G. White contradiz a Bíblia?
Jesus tinha irmãos "mais velhos"?
Falsas profecias dos Adventistas do Sétimo Dia Ellen G. White (1827-1915, falsa profetisa, Plagiadora)
Falhas Proféticas de Ellen G. White por V. Streifling, Ph.D.
Inspiração Bíblica e Ellen G. White por Russell Earl Kelly, Ph.D.
As Contradições de E. G. White - O Espírito da Profecia Adventista
Reforma de Saúde ou Mito de Saúde?
Seria isso Racismo?
A Desconhecida História de Quatro Importantes Livros Adventistas
O Sonho "Diabólico" de Ellen G. White
Ellen Sonha com James [Tiago White] Após Sua Morte
Ellen Dreams of James After His Death
O Que diz Ellen White Sobre a Idade da Terra?
Profissão de Fé em Ellen G. White
Ellen G. White e a Trindade
A Grande Esperança: Ellen G. White Escreveu Este Livro?
Ellen G. White, SDA Prophet (
EGW vs. The Bible:
EGW vs. The Bible: Patriarchs and Prophets LYNN WUNISCHE
EGW vs. The Bible: Prophets and Kings LYNN WUNISCHE
EGW vs. The Bible: The Great Controversy LYNN WUNISCHE
The Biblical Prophetic Model and the Ministry of Ellen G. White
Review of Ellen White Under Fire by Jud Lake
Review of Prophets Are Human by Graeme Bradford
Review of People Are Human by Graeme Bradford
Biographical Sketch: The Life of Ellen White
EGW and Bible Prophets: Biblical Prophetic Model and the Ministry of EGW
Title Abbreviations: References to EGW's Writings
EGW Timeline: Coming Soon
Inoculation against truth
Test Your Biblical Knowledge: Take a quiz designed to identify the source of your spiritual beliefs.
"Life of Mrs. E.G. White - Her Claims Refuted"
EGW vs. The Bible:
EGW vs. The Bible: Patriarchs and Prophets LYNN WUNISCHE
EGW vs. The Bible: Prophets and Kings LYNN WUNISCHE
EGW vs. The Bible: The Great Controversy LYNN WUNISCHE
The Biblical Prophetic Model and the Ministry of Ellen G. White
Review of Ellen White Under Fire by Jud Lake
Review of Prophets Are Human by Graeme Bradford
Review of People Are Human by Graeme Bradford
Biographical Sketch: The Life of Ellen White
EGW and Bible Prophets: Biblical Prophetic Model and the Ministry of EGW
Title Abbreviations: References to EGW's Writings
EGW Timeline: Coming Soon
Inoculation against truth
Test Your Biblical Knowledge: Take a quiz designed to identify the source of your spiritual beliefs.
Vegetarianism In the Teachings of Ellen G White
Strange Science and Health teachings of Ellen G White
What is the current view of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination on The Role of Ellen G White?
Plagiarism in the writings of EGW
How the Seventh-Day Adventists’ Spirit of Prophecy was Born by Walter Rea
Ellen G. White: Her Beliefs, Prophecies, and Visions
Biblical Inspiration and Ellen G. White
Biblical errors in the teachings of EGW
EGW's teachings on "Amalgamation"
Strange Science and Health teachings of EGW
EGW on "The Reform Dress"
EGW on the Evils of Photography
Ellen G White: The Myth and the Truth
Jewelry, Dress Code and Deceit
Martin Luther -v- Ellen G. White
A.T. Jones Letter to Ellen White
The Significance of Ellen White’s Head Injury
Other False Prophets and Sabbath Movements
A Statement by Associate Secretary – Ellen G. White Estate
Visions or Partial-Complex Seizures
Dr. Jackson, The REAL Father of the Health Message
Pre-Ellen White Health Reformers
Hastings Great Controversy Between God and Man
Great Controversy Examined by Walter Rae
A Statement by Associate Secretary – Ellen G. White Estate
Ellen White versus the Bible
Strange Science and Health teachings of Ellen G White
What is the current view of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination on The Role of Ellen G White?
Plagiarism in the writings of EGW
How the Seventh-Day Adventists’ Spirit of Prophecy was Born by Walter Rea
Ellen G. White: Her Beliefs, Prophecies, and Visions
Biblical Inspiration and Ellen G. White
Biblical errors in the teachings of EGW
EGW's teachings on "Amalgamation"
Strange Science and Health teachings of EGW
EGW on "The Reform Dress"
EGW on the Evils of Photography
Ellen G White: The Myth and the Truth
Jewelry, Dress Code and Deceit
Martin Luther -v- Ellen G. White
A.T. Jones Letter to Ellen White
The Significance of Ellen White’s Head Injury
Other False Prophets and Sabbath Movements
A Statement by Associate Secretary – Ellen G. White Estate
Visions or Partial-Complex Seizures
Dr. Jackson, The REAL Father of the Health Message
Pre-Ellen White Health Reformers
Hastings Great Controversy Between God and Man
Great Controversy Examined by Walter Rae
A Statement by Associate Secretary – Ellen G. White Estate
Ellen White versus the Bible
- Libertos pela Verdade Um casal Adventista Investiga a Controversa Literatura de Ellen White
- O que Ellen G. White quis dizer por "amálgama de homem e animais"? Robert K. Sanders
- Amalgamação Um embaraço Denominacional por D. Anderson
Lo que decía de sí misma y sus escritos
La inspiración bíblica y Ellen G. White
¿"Amalgama entre humanos y animales"?
Amalgama: Una situación embarazosa
¿Qué quiso decir con "amalgama"?
¿Qué autoridad acataremos?
Su autoridad en la IASD
Ellen G. White borra partes de sus visiones
¿Quién escribió "El Camino a Cristo"?
Contradice la Biblia más de 50 veces
¿Fueron las visiones copiadas de Foy?
Contradice la Biblia otras siete veces
No daba crédito a sus fuentes literarias
¿Violó las leyes de propiedad intelectual?
El Deseado de Todas las Gentes no es inspirado
¿Enseñó un Dios diferente?
La visión del edificio de Chicago
Los ídolos de las joyas
Joseph Smith del mormonismo y Ellen G. White
¿Qué es el "espíritu de profecía"?
Una cuestión de ética
Sus extremismos
La fábula de la Biblia pesada
Una confesión sobre "el testimonio de Jesucristo"
La locura de Fannie - 1
La locura de Fannie - 2
Su mundo y el fin del mundo
Interpretación de las profecías bíblicas
Sus visiones sobre la salud
No es confiable como profeta
Mito: Recibió El Gran Conflicto en visión
Mito: Sólo fue a la escuela hasta tercer grado
El ataque contra el World Trade Center
Examen de El Deseado de Todas las Gentes
Los adventistas defienden sus plagios
Sus plagios sobre la salud
Su posición en la Iglesia Adventista
Su reforma pro salud
La prueba del evangelio
Reformadores pro salud anteriores
Argumentos comunes refutados
Las regalías
Conocía los secretos ajenos
Señales en los cielos
Relatos presenciales sobre las visiones
El juicio investigador
Persecución en los últimos días
La suerte de Judas
El milenio
Los adventistas destruyen la Biblia
¿Es la Biblia suficiente?
Is there a prophet among you? - E. G. Whites prophecies - What did she really teach and believe.
Proof that the prophetess of the SDA Church adds up to 666! ... by Bob Stanley
Ellen White was a false prophet ... by Bob Stanley
Ellen White calls true Christians certain sects that the Bible calls antiChrist! ... by Stephen Korsman
Adventist Review's indirect admission of Ellen White's errors ... by Stephen Korsman
SDA Dogma of an Investigative Judgement through EGW's eyes ... Fred Mazzaferri, PhD, PDF file
How Biblical is SDA's Historicist Interpretation of Jesus' Olivet Discourse? ... Fred Mazzaferri, PhD, PDF file
The Great Controversy: How Biblical is EGW's Major Integrating Theme? ... Fred Mazzaferri, PhD, PDF file
One furnace too many: Ellen White garbles her own theology of the pre-Advent time of trouble ... Fred Mazzaferri, PhD, PDF file
Not a single drop of martyr blood? The crisis of confidence threatening Ellen White's devotees ... Fred Mazzaferri, PhD, PDF file
Part 1 - Adventist pastor - Bible contains truth, but also "opinion" ... by Stephen Korsman
Part 2 - Adventist pastor - uninspired statements by Paul in the Bible ... by Stephen Korsman
Bacchiocchi - Some things Paul wrote are unacceptable
Elen Vajt - plagijator
? 2000 VIZIJA
Dan pomirenja - pogrešno tumacenje i dado pogrešan
Izjave o ukrštanju ljudi i životinja
Primanje saveta od umrlog Muza
Prepisani dnevnik ...
Prikrivena i ponovo otkrivena prevara
Dr. Bacchiocchi - greške u knjizi "Velika borba"
Plano spasenja
Znaci vremena?
100 otpuštenih propovednika
Examination of the Profetics Claims of Ellen G. White
An analysis of the most shocking and embarrassing statements of Ellen G. White
Reflexões Sobre a Divisão da Fortuna de Ellen G. White Segundo Seu Testamento
A Desconhecida História de 4 Importantes Livros Adventistas
Meteoros Que Caíram do Céu?
A Nuvem Branca
O Mito da Reforma Pró-Saúde
Uma profetisa Entre Profetas
A Mentira Branca - Introdução
Ellen G. White, Prophetess or Plagiarist?
A Evasiva de Ellen G. White: A Grande Esperança = O Grande Conflito = The Spirit of Prophecy = The Paradise Lost (John Milton) + History of the Waldenses (J. A. Wylie) + History of the Reformation (D'Aubigné) + etc...
O Batismo em Nome de Ellen G. White
What would it take to convince you that Ellen White was not a messenger of God?
My issues with EGW's plagiarism
EGW's claims of her authority
Specific EGW denials of being influenced by other people
Ellen White
De Kerk van de Zevende-dags Adventisten ziet Ellen White als degene die gestalte geeft aan de geest van de profetie, zoals deze in het bijbelboek Openbaring is beschreven. "De gave van profetie is kenmerkend voor het overblijfsel. Zevende-dags Adventisten geloven dat deze gave door Ellen G. White werd gemanifesteerd. Haar geschriften zijn een blijvende en gezaghebbende bron van waarheid, waarin troost, leiding, instructie en correctie voor de kerk wordt geboden. Zij getuigt dat de Bijbel de norm is waaraan alle leer en ervaring moeten worden getoetst" (Bijbelgids voor de Sabbatschool 102/1, 1999, p. 61).
Profeet of valse profeet?
Schuldig aan plagiaat
Verkondiging van niet-bijbelse leer
Op een voetstuk
Publicaties uit roulatie genomen
Voorschrijven van niet-bijbelse regels
Eigen regels overtreden
Weglopen voor kritiek
De Bijbel over valse profeten en dwaalleraars
O que Ellen G. White disse sobre:
Criar postagem....
A Profetisa Ellen White realmente afirmou ser "mais que um profeta" (Livro Mensagens Escolhidas 1, página 35.)
Ellen White claimed to have received multiple visions from God. When Ellen White was a little girl, she was hit directly in the head with a rock. Hard. She was in a coma for several weeks, and the injury was severe enough that she never again returned to school. It seems very likely that she had complex partial seizures, which are caused by severe head injuries. There is even a very new type of diagnosis associated with seizures and head injuries called Geschwind syndrome. Symptoms may include hypergraphia (an overwhelming urge to write),hyposexuality (a partial or complete loss of interest in sex), an intensified mental life (deepened cognitive and emotional responses), and possibly also guilt and paranoia. Both types of seizures can sometimes increase religious feelings in the person suffering from them as well. Since Ellen White never made any specific testable predictions in her visions which have come true, the evidence for the supernatural origins of her visions appears to be insufficient. She did however, make multiple testable predictions about fairly specific times when Jesus would come back to Earth that have been proven false. We have clinical evidence that these things do happen in seizure patients, but we don't have any credible evidence that proves Ellen White was a prophet. Or to put it another way, the most logical explanation is that Ellen White did not receive any special visions from God, and suffered from seizures induced by her serious head injury as a child.
Em Cristo,
Hélio S. Júnior
O que Ellen G. White disse sobre:
Criar postagem....
A Profetisa Ellen White realmente afirmou ser "mais que um profeta" (Livro Mensagens Escolhidas 1, página 35.)
"Amados, não creiais a todo espírito, mas examinai os espíritos para ver se eles são de Deus, porque muitos falsos profetas têm saído pelo mundo." 1 João 4:1
Ellen White claimed to have received multiple visions from God. When Ellen White was a little girl, she was hit directly in the head with a rock. Hard. She was in a coma for several weeks, and the injury was severe enough that she never again returned to school. It seems very likely that she had complex partial seizures, which are caused by severe head injuries. There is even a very new type of diagnosis associated with seizures and head injuries called Geschwind syndrome. Symptoms may include hypergraphia (an overwhelming urge to write),hyposexuality (a partial or complete loss of interest in sex), an intensified mental life (deepened cognitive and emotional responses), and possibly also guilt and paranoia. Both types of seizures can sometimes increase religious feelings in the person suffering from them as well. Since Ellen White never made any specific testable predictions in her visions which have come true, the evidence for the supernatural origins of her visions appears to be insufficient. She did however, make multiple testable predictions about fairly specific times when Jesus would come back to Earth that have been proven false. We have clinical evidence that these things do happen in seizure patients, but we don't have any credible evidence that proves Ellen White was a prophet. Or to put it another way, the most logical explanation is that Ellen White did not receive any special visions from God, and suffered from seizures induced by her serious head injury as a child.
Em Cristo,
Hélio S. Júnior
Estado dos Mortos
MORTE ! Existe vida após a Morte ?
Para onde vamos quando Morremos ?
Reunimos vários artigos para ajudar você a compreender o assunto "Estado dos Mortos". Porém saiba que a verdadeira esperança dos crentes é a Ressurreição da carne. Esta é a doutrina que é dada para confortar os santos de Deus. É essa a doutrina que a Bíblia enfatiza! Busquemos ter, diante de nossas almas, a Ele e Sua vinda como nossa esperança e gozo.
Creio que o não entendimento da doutrina da natureza do espírito humano, seja uma das razões para adventistas não compreenderem realmente a vida no Espírito e se apegarem ao concerto das letras gravadas em pedras, a qual foi por Cristo abolido (2 Coríntios 3).
Testemunhos Ex-Adventistas
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Conheça você também o Evangelho |
A Verdade me Levou para Fora...
Testemunhos de pessoas que deixaram o Santo Espírito de Deus guiar suas vidas em uma jornada em busca da Verdade. Encontrando Descanso e Segurança para suas almas em Cristo Jesus.
"Porque deixar a "verdadeira" Igreja, na qual fomos amados, educados, e empregados? Sempre sentimo-nos espiritualmente privilegiados como Adventistas, mas o Espírito Santo de Deus nos levou em uma inesperada viagem de edificação da Fé."
Nossa esperança é que esses testemunhos o motivem a fazer seu próprio estudo diligente das Escrituras, para que possa tirar suas próprias conclusões sobre a enorme diferença entre o Adventismo e o simples Evangelho da Nova Aliança da Graça de Deus em Cristo Jesus.
Muitas pessoas que deixaram a Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia têm escrito seus testemunhos. Se você tem uma história e gostaria de compartilhá-lo com os outros, por favor envie-nos por E-mail. Clique abaixo para ler nossas histórias:
Gregory Taylor: Uma Carta Aberta a Nossos Amigos e Familiares. Como pode alguém deixar a Igreja Verdadeira, o Remanescente Fiel do Tempo do Fim?
Clay Peck: Minha Jornada para fora do Legalismo. Outro link aqui.
Steve Kurtright: O Impacto da Verdade Doutrinária [Igreja de Deus (Sétimo Dia)]. Outro link aqui.
Testemunho de David DePinho Outro link aqui.
Mais de David DePinho
Lista inicial de 104 Ex-Pastores Adventistas
Hoje muitos pastores embora não acreditem ou se recusem a ensinar muitas das "doutrinas adventistas distintivas (Juízo Investigativo, Visões de Ellen White, Domingo como Marca da Besta, etc.) se recusam a deixar a IASD por causa do medo de perda de benefícios, trabalho de vida investido, renda, etc. Infelizmente João 12:42-43 imediatamente vem à mente:
"Apesar de tudo, até muitos dos principais creram nele; mas não o confessavam por causa dos fariseus, para não serem expulsos da sinagoga. Porque amavam mais a glória dos homens do que a glória de Deus."
Há também muitas pessoas que gostariam de sair ou estão pensando em deixar, mas ainda possuem esperança de que haverá mudanças na organização. Uns cresceram na igreja, outros ainda têm familiares na mesma, ou sentem que podem fazer a diferença ficando dentro da organização para o bem. Estes são geralmente o que eles chamam de ASD "evangélicos".
Outra dificuldade encontrada por eles é: Se a Igreja Adventista não é a verdadeira, qual é? Um bom site para ajudar pastores adventistas em transição é: Crossroads. Mande seu e-mail para lá.
Oremos por aqueles que reconheceram abertamente o verdadeiro Evangelho e estão sendo odiados e criticados por amigos e familiares, bem como aqueles que estão pedindo força para seguir as convicções que o Espírito Santo lhes mostrou.
Dirk Anderson: O Testemunho de um Ex-perfeccionista - Editor do site Outro link aqui.
Richard e Colleen Tinker: Andando na Luz
Robert K. Sanders Por que deixei a Igreja Adventista - Editor do site
Robert K. Sanders Eu desisti do sábado, após 47 anos
Janet Brown: Fui Adventista do Sétimo Dia por 10 anos, agora não mais.
Joe e Jennifer Rector: Nossa carta de saída da IASD
Joe Rector: Jesus é Fiel
Testemunho de Jennifer Rector outro aqui.
David M. Curtis: Por que deixei a IASD - Editor do site (The Loud Cry - SDA Outreach)
Billy Vicente Adventistas e e a Verdade
Teresa e Arthur D. Beem Carta de Demissão da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia
Testemunho de Russell Earl Kelly, PHD Da Igreja Batista para o Adventismo, do Adventismo Para a Igreja Batista
Testemunho de R. J. Chaffart Editor do site
Pedro de Jesús Colón Da escuridão para Sua maravilhosa luz
Daniel Nsubuga Debandada em Uganda
Althea Andrews Um espírito restaurado
Dirk Anderson: O Testemunho de um Ex-perfeccionista - Editor do site Outro link aqui.
Richard e Colleen Tinker: Andando na Luz
Robert K. Sanders Por que deixei a Igreja Adventista - Editor do site
Robert K. Sanders Eu desisti do sábado, após 47 anos
Janet Brown: Fui Adventista do Sétimo Dia por 10 anos, agora não mais.
Joe e Jennifer Rector: Nossa carta de saída da IASD
Joe Rector: Jesus é Fiel
Testemunho de Jennifer Rector outro aqui.
David M. Curtis: Por que deixei a IASD - Editor do site (The Loud Cry - SDA Outreach)
Billy Vicente Adventistas e e a Verdade
Teresa e Arthur D. Beem Carta de Demissão da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia
Testemunho de Russell Earl Kelly, PHD Da Igreja Batista para o Adventismo, do Adventismo Para a Igreja Batista
Testemunho de R. J. Chaffart Editor do site
Pedro de Jesús Colón Da escuridão para Sua maravilhosa luz
Daniel Nsubuga Debandada em Uganda
Althea Andrews Um espírito restaurado
Werner Wandersleben A agonia da renúncia
Testemunhando a um Adventista do Sétimo Dia por David M. Curtis
Abraçando ministério fora adventismo - Parte 2
- Althea Andrews - Um espírito restaurado
- Deon Keet: Deus me deu coragem para caminhar
- J. LeBron McBride, PhD: A Saída é Dolorosa
- Testemunho de Leigh Ann Lapinski: Revelando Meu Coração
- Testemunho de Enoch Stewart Outro link aqui.
- Testemunho de Grace A. Outro link aqui.
- Testemunho de Virginia S. Outro link aqui.
- Testemunho de Rocky Maraccini: Reflexões de um Ex-Adventista. Outro link aqui.
- Jackeline Depoimento de uma Ex-Adventista
- Testemunho de Sabra R. Outro link aqui.
- Testemunho de Patria Rector
- Testemunho de Patria Rector - Vídeo em Inglês
- Tom & Judy Shewmake (Inglês) - Tirando os óculos escuros de adventistas (Pdf em Inglês)
- Testemunho de Esther (Inglês)
- Testemunho de Ramone (Inglês)
- Testemunho de Derik (Inglês)
- Testemunho de Jethro (Inglês)
- Testemunho de Janine (Inglês)
- Testemunho de Royce (Inglês)
- Testemunho de Karen (Inglês)
- Testemunho de Christopher (Inglês)
- Testemunho de Patria (Inglês)
- Testemunho de Diana (Inglês)
- Testemunho de Linda (Inglês)
- Testemunho de Hazel (Inglês)
- My journey so far e Why I left Adventism - Heidi Burks - Blog "My studies out of Adventism"
- Seu nome aqui: Envie sua história de como você trocou o Adventismo pelo Evangelho de Cristo.
Mais Testemunhos em:

300.000 Adventistas do Sétimo Dia estão deixando a Igreja a cada ano. Mais de cinco anos, que é de 1,5 milhões de membros. Por que tantos tem deixando a "verdade"? Será que eles descobriram o que você está prestes a descobrir, que a verdade da IASD não é a verdade da Bíblia? Para descobrir por que eles estão saindo quase tão rápido quanto eles vêm, clique no seguinte link:
Por que tantos Adventistas estão saindo da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia?.
Breves Testemunhos
W. R.
Gostaria de agradecer pelo seu blog tem me ajudado bastante.
Espaço abençoado
A graça e a paz do Senhor seja contigo! Nunca tinha visto na web um espaço rico em estudos tão esclarecedores sobre a IASD. Que Deus abençoe para que tirem o véu de suas cabeças e enxerguem a simplicidade do evangelho sem confusão.
Alegria pelo blog:
Olá Hélio! Estou muito feliz por ter encontrado o seu blog. Sou adventista de berço, porém, sou há muito anos uma pessoa frustrada dentro da igreja. Meu irmão que mora nos EUA foi a pessoa que começou a me mostrar as grandes falhas que minha igreja tem. Desde os problemas de Ellen White, o sábado, etc., foram assuntos que aos poucos foram sendo decifrados para mim. Em realidade hoje seria mais feliz se não estivesse nessa igreja, porém, tenha uma esposa filha de pastor e minha filha é muito ativa na igreja, então tenho pedido a Deus sabedoria para lhe dar com toda esta situação. Que Deus lhe ilumine para vc ser guiado com sabedoria e discernimento ao esclarecer assuntos tão fechados e mal interpretados pelos Adventistas. Isso não será fácil, pois, no profundo do ser de todos os adeptos desta religião, a uma defesa sincera aos seus ensinamentos e somente através do Espírito Santo de Deus para abrir seus corações, como o meu foi aberto. Mais.....a cada dia tem crescido a insatisfação no meio, tanto pelas doutrinas, como também pela liderança. A fragilidade e incapacidade dos pastores é algo de espantar qualquer um. Um grande abraço!
Parabéns pelo Blog! estou adorando, que vocês possam continuar com esse trabalho maravilhoso, evangelizando pela internet. Que Deus abençoe vocês.
D. M.
Espaço abençoado
A graça e a paz do Senhor seja contigo! Nunca tinha visto na web um espaço rico em estudos tão esclarecedores sobre a IASD. Que Deus abençoe para que tirem o véu de suas cabeças e enxerguem a simplicidade do evangelho sem confusão.
Alegria pelo blog:
Olá Hélio! Estou muito feliz por ter encontrado o seu blog. Sou adventista de berço, porém, sou há muito anos uma pessoa frustrada dentro da igreja. Meu irmão que mora nos EUA foi a pessoa que começou a me mostrar as grandes falhas que minha igreja tem. Desde os problemas de Ellen White, o sábado, etc., foram assuntos que aos poucos foram sendo decifrados para mim. Em realidade hoje seria mais feliz se não estivesse nessa igreja, porém, tenha uma esposa filha de pastor e minha filha é muito ativa na igreja, então tenho pedido a Deus sabedoria para lhe dar com toda esta situação. Que Deus lhe ilumine para vc ser guiado com sabedoria e discernimento ao esclarecer assuntos tão fechados e mal interpretados pelos Adventistas. Isso não será fácil, pois, no profundo do ser de todos os adeptos desta religião, a uma defesa sincera aos seus ensinamentos e somente através do Espírito Santo de Deus para abrir seus corações, como o meu foi aberto. Mais.....a cada dia tem crescido a insatisfação no meio, tanto pelas doutrinas, como também pela liderança. A fragilidade e incapacidade dos pastores é algo de espantar qualquer um. Um grande abraço!
Parabéns pelo Blog! estou adorando, que vocês possam continuar com esse trabalho maravilhoso, evangelizando pela internet. Que Deus abençoe vocês.
D. M.
Olá! Gostaria de parabenizá-lo pelo importante instrumento de estudo oferecido por seu site. Abraços e que Deus o continue abençoando.
A paz do Senhor Jesus, irmão Hélio. Gostaria de parabeniza-lo pelo seu blog. Agradeço a Deus por ter encontrado na web um espaço tão rico em informações sobre a seita adventista, principalmente pela maneira como você se comporta, tratando bem e respeitando seus membros sem usar palavras torpes, Com certeza, esse é um diferencial entre outros apologistas que não fazem uso da exortação de 1 Pe 3.15.
Que Nosso Deus te dê força e sabedoria do Seu Espírito Santo para conduzi-lo sempre por um caminho reto, ganhando muitas almas para o seu reino.
Abraços! em Cristo, que a graça e paz seja contigo!
A paz do Senhor Jesus, irmão Hélio. Gostaria de parabeniza-lo pelo seu blog. Agradeço a Deus por ter encontrado na web um espaço tão rico em informações sobre a seita adventista, principalmente pela maneira como você se comporta, tratando bem e respeitando seus membros sem usar palavras torpes, Com certeza, esse é um diferencial entre outros apologistas que não fazem uso da exortação de 1 Pe 3.15.
Que Nosso Deus te dê força e sabedoria do Seu Espírito Santo para conduzi-lo sempre por um caminho reto, ganhando muitas almas para o seu reino.
Abraços! em Cristo, que a graça e paz seja contigo!
W. B. - Dakota do Norte
Estamos agradecendo a Deus por encontrar o seu site. Recentemente, deixamos a Igreja Adventista depois de encontrar o que Deus realmente fez por nós no Calvário! Procuraram nos desencorajar, mas não podem porque nós sabemos onde na Palavra de Deus podemos encontrar o que acreditamos e estmos em paz agora. Estamos absorvendo os sermões que você postou! Tenho mais a dizer, mas não há espaço suficiente aqui.
M. T. - Canadá
Eu sou uma ex-adventista nascida e criada dentro da igreja. Eu não tenho nenhuma má vontade em relação a eles, mas deixei a igreja depois de muitas coisas simplesmente não "baterem" para mim. Estou encantada com as informações em seu site. Eu sempre assumi que a Sra. White estava um pouco "equivocada". Queria agradecer a você por sua coragem e honestidade na manutenção do site. Continuem o bom trabalho.
Eu fui muito abençoado ao ler o seu material. Minha esposa é uma ex-adventista, mas ela ainda precisa de alguma ajuda na compreensão da graça.
Vou continuar a visitar o seu site e precisamos da sua ajuda. Sou um crente nascido de novo em Cristo Jesus.
J. P.
A família do meu marido é adventista do sétimo dia e eu só queria te agradecer por seu site informativo que não só me ajudou a entender suas crenças, mas também me ajudou a obter respostas para algumas das acusações que jogam contra mim a respeito de quebrar os mandamentos (sábado). Muito obrigado.
E. - Reino Unido
T. - Austrália
R. B. - África do Sul
Nós saimos da IASD. Pela primeira vez em 8 anos nos sentimos livres, o que é uma bênção! Agradeço muito por todas as informações contidas no site, é altamente apreciado.
M. S. - Alemanha
Eu sou membro de uma igreja batista na Alemanha. Recentemente eu encontrei um adventista do sétimo dia e eu aprendi algumas de suas doutrinas, e isso me deixou muito triste, ao ver que pessoas podem distorcer tanto a Palavra de Deus. Ele está muito bem "treinado" para justificar o que ele acredita, já que ele é um professor em sua igreja.
Fiquei muito contente quando me deparei com seu site. É muito bom ouvir que Deus ainda pode revelar-se e Sua graça, mesmo para pessoas que são tão firme em uma crença diferente. Eu realmente gosto de sua abordagem de dizer a verdade em amor, em vez de atacar e até mesmo zombar da "ignorância", como eu vi em outros sites.
Vou continuar a visitar o seu site e precisamos da sua ajuda. Sou um crente nascido de novo em Cristo Jesus.
J. P.
A família do meu marido é adventista do sétimo dia e eu só queria te agradecer por seu site informativo que não só me ajudou a entender suas crenças, mas também me ajudou a obter respostas para algumas das acusações que jogam contra mim a respeito de quebrar os mandamentos (sábado). Muito obrigado.
E. - Reino Unido
Queridos irmãos e irmãs, eu só queria dizer muito obrigado a todos vocês por produzirem um site com verdades bíblicas importantes. Eu não sou adventista, mas alguns dos meus queridos amigos são. O sermão do seu pastor sobre o que acontece na morte foi brilhante muito obrigado. Eu já acreditei uma vez que na morte a alma dorme, agora eu sei que não é um ensinamento bíblico e a exposição de sua falsidade foi excelente. Você pode por favor, orar por meus amigos adventistas?
T. - Austrália
Apenas uma nota rápida para agradecer a você e seu ministério. Eu estava pronto para me juntar aos ASD até que me deparei com seu site e começei a ler e ouvir o seu material. O Evangelho e os Concertos me surpreenderam. Louvado seja Jesus, Ele me libertou e verdadeiramente vou segui-Lo! Mais uma vez obrigado por seu amor e ousadia.
R. B. - África do Sul
Nós saimos da IASD. Pela primeira vez em 8 anos nos sentimos livres, o que é uma bênção! Agradeço muito por todas as informações contidas no site, é altamente apreciado.
M. S. - Alemanha
Eu sou membro de uma igreja batista na Alemanha. Recentemente eu encontrei um adventista do sétimo dia e eu aprendi algumas de suas doutrinas, e isso me deixou muito triste, ao ver que pessoas podem distorcer tanto a Palavra de Deus. Ele está muito bem "treinado" para justificar o que ele acredita, já que ele é um professor em sua igreja.
Fiquei muito contente quando me deparei com seu site. É muito bom ouvir que Deus ainda pode revelar-se e Sua graça, mesmo para pessoas que são tão firme em uma crença diferente. Eu realmente gosto de sua abordagem de dizer a verdade em amor, em vez de atacar e até mesmo zombar da "ignorância", como eu vi em outros sites.
Estou orando por vozes inspiradas como a sua, Professor Desmond Ford, Pr. Robert Brinsmead, Pr. Walter Rea e Smyth van Rooyen. Tenho acompanhado seu site inspirador e suas atualizações desde 2002. Continue esse trabalho abençoado. O mundo precisa de você.
J. B. & P. B. - Peru
Acabamos de mostrar o vídeo para cerca de 100 pessoas a duas semanas atrás. Foi muito bom, e as pessoas estão agora bem equipados para compartilhar o evangelho com adventistas. Esta é uma ferramenta que usamos mais e mais. Somos gratos por torná-lo disponível para nós!
I want to take a minute today and send out a BIG THANK YOU to your ministry. The information you offer on your website was instrumental in providing the foundation for me to understand SDA theology. I am a M.Div. with lots of apologetical training and came up to speed in good order supplementing your info with scholarly treatise on the Old and New Testament. As a result, I have been able to successfully engage and present (in LOVE) a truly Biblical response with members of the SDA Church. Your ministry resources made it possible for me to do this in a very brief span of time with a lot of dedication and hard work. Thank you so much for your ministry. It has been educational for both myself and the SDA members I encounter. GOD BLESS YOU!
P. P. - California
Pastor Mark,
It's been over 2 years now since leaving Adventism. All the warnings that they gave me, that I would fall into a life of sin and immorality by accepting the doctrine of "cheap grace" have ...well...I'm more active than ever in Bible study, prayer, and fellowship with the saints!
I'm Spirit filled; fire baptized, and just sense the life of God at work in my life, like never before! Being set free from the real sins of my life and realizing my place in Christ. What a blessing!
I've come to realize that the call on my life is not to live a Christian life, but to die a Christian death!
Thanks for your ministry and God bless!
Loving Jesus,
J. C.
Praise God that your website is still on the Internet! As a former Adventist, your ministry and the information on this website has helped me personally in my search for Bible truth and has also been a tremendous help in my witnessing to legalistic SDA's and now some EX-SDA's! Praise God!!! God bless you and your ministry and don't ever give up in spreading the true gospel of God. We appreciate all of your effort and so does God!
J. B.
I just wanted to thank you all for such an awesome website and outreach. I was a member of theAdventist Church for over 8yrs and I even went to many of their schools. I was always uncomfortable with some of their doctrines and beliefs but I lacked the knowledge and wisdom to find out just what it was. It was a little over four years ago that I left the Adventist Church for being persecuted for questioning the very things that you guys provided the answers to. I have since been able to share the information on this site with my parents and other 7th day friends of mine in order to lead them out of "religion" and into a true loving relationship with Jesus. Thanks so much for all of your hard work and dedication to this issue, you have certainly won more souls for the kingdom!!
Happily serving my Jesus,
K. - Virginia
Thank you, thank you, Pastor Mark!
I can't tell you what a source of comfort your site has been. All my in-laws are SDA... I started dating my husband when we were just teenagers and I was told everything from "You're not going to Heaven if you don't keep the Sabbath" to a 6 year old telling me "You're not going to Heaven if you eat that chicken sandwich". I never could agree with that, but didn't have the experience or the maturity to dispute it. However, my husband and I loved each other so much we just got to the point of avoiding the topic. (I did question him an awful lot, though).
Now we have two beautiful young children and I am doing all I can to equip them, as well as protect them from any EGW inspired accusations or suggestions. I love my in-laws, and they've come to love me as well over the years. I really don't want to cause any tension or alienation between us. However I will do everything I can to keep my kids from getting sucked into the SDA culture.
My husband has attended church with me for the last 3 years. He's been slowly getting involved in our congregation and has started lending his skills to our church. At the same time though, he won't mention that at all to his parents... He told me recently that if he became a member of our church it would be like stabbing his parents in the back. He's unbelievably afraid of hurting his parents to the point of it making me feel slighted.
Which brings me back to you. I prayed about this situation over the years, but about 6 weeks ago, I really reached into my heart and asked the Lord for some direction. Sure enough, I wound up on your site in one of the testimonies you posted. What a welcome relief! I felt like someone had crawled into my life. Believe me, I was thanking Jesus all afternoon. I've been reading like crazy, but my favorite resource is the audio section. That has helped me as much as anything.
Pastor Mark, thank you very much for your putting this site together. You are such a blessing.
God bless you so much!!
L. A.
I always check often. Thanks for posting the issue of Lamplighter dealing with Seventh-day Adventism. In the issue was a picture of the Investigative Judgment in heaven. The man is looking down and the Ten Commandments are in the foreground. I hadn’t seen that painting since I was a kid in Sabbath School! I remember a lot of other ones, I’m sure you do too, where angels were abandoning sinners, or Jesus was judging someone. We would sing “Jesus loves me” and “With Jesus in the family, happy, happy home!” in Sabbath School. It just doesn’t fit the underlying doctrines. As kids, we didn’t know any better. Ever since I was saved, when I see these things, I thank God for His grace and peace.
I just want to thank the Lord for Mark Martin. I have downloaded most of his talks regarding Adventism. I just listened to his sermon on knowing you are saved. Since Adventism, I continue to struggle with those doubts and lies from satan. Please let Mark know that his words are blessings from the Lord. I love Jesus; and Mark through the direction of the Holy Spirit has communicated Gods wonderful great news of Jesus saving work.
Jesus’ work is done and our work is to Glorify and worship the risen Christ.
God bless in Jesus name,
C. B. - Avon, MN
Thank you for a very truth-honing earth shattering website. We hope the site is sustained. May God bless you and your wonderful work.
Anonymous from California
Dear Pastor Mark,
I was attending an SDA church for two years, and now I have to give you a feedback on how your website worked in my life.
As a child I was attending a Catholic church (I am living in a catholic country) on my own interest. When I found out, that I have to do all things over and over again, then I did not go there again. I lost sight of God in my life. 15 years later a friend (SDA) invited me to a Bible study group. I went for the first time and it was interesting. I then started to attend that group and after a while I went to church. Firstly all the people were friendly (actually over friendly). I did not examine what we were doing at the Bible groups, I started to take it for granted. In the time I made a couple of "friends" in SDA circuit and I even went on two conferences (youth). The second was for the whole Europe in Poland. The different groups I was participating were from Monday to Sunday. Every day was a group or a thing in Church. So you see my input was huge.
After a while I started to feel Sabbath as a big burden. There were too many of them and the pressure rose on me in the Church, so on their opinion I should get baptized. I had a big problem. I did not want to get baptized in an organization.
Then I have started to research on the web about SDA. From a Slovenian site on SDA I have come across your site. I have studied everything on it and I still listen to your messages in my car on MP3. It was a real blessing. At that time I got saved. I have learned, that I can not do anything to deserve heaven, it is Jesus who paid the price. I would really like to express a big thanks to you and your ministry.
Then I looked at to see, where does a former SDA Pastor go to Church. I have checked all over your site, with the answers, I have even watched your live services. I was blessed. I thought to myself, if only we here in Slovenia had a Church like that. Than after a week or so I went researching again, and I found a site and I looked at the churches in the US and I have also found out that there is a world map of churches. I was really shocked when I saw a small dot in Slovenia. I was amazed. I wrote an email to the Pastor and he answered inviting me to the church.
So I went and since then I have been attending that church. It is not my town (it is a 40 miles distances) so they recommended me to visit also a Church in Maribor, my home town. My life went up and I really thank God and you for my salvation. I thrust that if I am ever in the States, that I come and visit you. I would really like to shake your hand.
Under the mercy of God,
S. C. - Slovenia, Europe
Pastor Mark,
As a third generation Adventist and son of a well-known minister, I left the church and its legalism after working with an SDA outreach group, then attending Andrews University. I headed as far away from the denomination and God as I could get. I ran to drugs, drink and all sort of illegal activities. I now joke that the SDA school system should have a course on appropriate alternatives when you leave the church!
But He never stopped knocking, and one day I found the FAF web site and started studying the Word (along with my Catholic wife). His acceptance of a sinner is amazing and I praise His name every day. At last, I am saved and feel His love and a grace. Today I am an active member of a community church in my city. At age 50 I find it such a pity that I spent valuable years of my life running from a god that didn't really even exist. He was a creation of EGW and the church. WOW
I'm devoting some of my time to reaching out to SDA friends (some out of the church; some ministers) to spread the wonderful truth of a good and wonderful God, and the difference He can make in one's life through grace; amazing grace.
Thank you for your ministry and the light that you helped shine for me.
In His Grace,
Name withheld by request
I am a Christian and have been saved for over 14 years now. I was raised in a Christian home and have been an active member of the Presbyterian PCA church in my hometown for quite sometime now. How does the SDA Church pertain to me you ask. Well I recently dated a SDA. He is a wonderful guy. I knew going into the relationship that he and I had different beliefs, but he was very open minded so I thought I could make it work. This was not the case. We had very few talks about religion and this upset me because Jesus is such a huge part of my life. We recently broke up and I know it was a "God Thing". It was his way of protecting my heart from more breakage.
I am continuing to read and seek more information from your website because I want to be more knowledgeable about this denomination. I find it all so fascinating. It is a GREAT ministry and a wonderful tool for those seeking more information about the SDA Church.
I can not thank you enough for your website!
A. D. - South Carolina
Hello, I am a former Seventh-day Adventist, I came out of Adventism one year ago last month and my spiritual life has been progressing in such a wonderful way, your website was very helpful in my search for the real TRUTH, God bless you for being able to help people in this way. During my studies I was led by God to start writing an article about Adventism, I have so many Adventist friends that are miserable in that faith but haven't researched it and are stuck because it's all that they know.
Thank you and may God continually bless you!
L. D.
Pastor Mark,
I was enlightened by listening to one of your sermons online when you talked about how the Sabbath was never intended to end and that Sabbath rest was initially intended to be a state of rest and not a day of rest. What an awesome revelation! That is a very important point that many Adventist don’t study or understand. My heart really goes out to people of the Adventist faith. In my circle of Adventism here in Ohio I have been in contact with so many of them who are confused and extremely unhappy with their churches but they are afraid to leave because of the Sabbath day. It is so incredible to hear you speak and to read other testimonials on all of the things about Adventism that I only last year started to realize. I was extremely active in my former church and I believe that God allowed that precedence to be set so that He can now use me to free others. Many aren’t willing to listen but I still will be willing to tell the truth about our Lord and only Savior Jesus Christ! Please pray that I will continually stay under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you so much for your witness!!
L. D. - Ohio
Thank you very much for this ministry… I grew up in Seventh-day Adventist Church and left when I was 16 years of age, as I felt I couldn't live up to their standards. Thanks very much for your outreach site, as I find much of this info comforting, as I have chosen to try and forget about God and the church for many years. I felt that I have been living an unfulfilled life for many years, thinking things will get better tomorrow, but never did. I started to do some research on the net, and found your site. I have come back to faith in God in the last year at 44 years of age, but I still feel haunted by some of beliefs of the SDA Church . With the info on your site, I can fin al ly sort out many of the misconceptions that I had learned in my childhood. My mother, father and brother still attend this church, therefore I'm not able to share my joy of being a Christian with them, as you know that they believe that al l other churches are wrong!! I'm very glad that my wife has turned to Christ as well and we are both actively involved with our new church here… my only regret is that I didn't find Christ earlier, as both of my daughters don't believe. The youth are very proactive in our church, praise God. I pray to God that they may see how great God really is and what He can do for them.
I was an SDA for 25 years until finding out the truth about Ellen White through some fascinating dreams that the Lord had given me and through the ministry of and the former SDA sites. Praise God for people like you. It would have taken me much longer to figure out what was wrong with the church if it had not been for these articles. Before leaving the church my friend and I shared as much of this information as we could with members of the church as well as pastors and a conference president. We are trusting God to water the seeds planted. January 2005 I received confirmation of my resignation from the SDA Church . We have been very blessed after leaving the SDA Church. We now are"FREE INDEED". I am so grateful.
C. T. - Massachusetts
God bless you and your ministry! I've been greatly helped by your website. I was meeting with a really nice Seventh-day A dventist once a week for most of this past year. He slowly convinced me (by double and triple tag teaming me) that I should start keeping the S abbath and quit eating bacon. Man, I was SO CLOSE!! But I found your website and was set free from the guilt and condemnation that was heaped onto me by that SDA doctrine. The link that you had to Canright's stuff was great. When I mentioned his name to the SDA folks – you could see that look in their eyes… “Oh, no… We're gonna lose this guy”. They tried to say that he was delusional and renounced his Baptist faith. But I found out that they were just lies.
R. T.
I wrote you some months back concerning my little girl's desire to join the Seventh-day Adventist Church. I knew when I read your website that you could help me in finding out both sides of the truth about them. Since my child's father's family was all Seventh-day Adventists, she had visited with them quite a lot and had grown to love the people. But when she came home and was talking of wanting to join with them, that's when I searched out and found your website.
I had not been a good example for my children since marrying her Dad. I left the Church that I had always loved and lived as my husband did (he doesn't attend anywhere since he quit going to the Adventist church). But all their beliefs remain with him. Since talking to you when you wrote me and your generous help by sending me the video of Ellen G. White. We all viewed it and that was my deciding factor. I would tell my little girl I forbade her to join. So I did. I decided that husband or not I had to take the "bull by the horns" and grow up. I started taking my little girl to an old timely little Baptist Church. And Praise God! She LOVES it! She is fitting right in and is so very happy. She wants to go every time the doors are open.
I thank you so much for telling me to get my child in a Christ loving Church. It made me grow up and try and be a better mother.
Sorry such a long letter, but I just wanted you to know that you have really helped me to help myself and my little girl. I look at her while she raises her little arms and claps her hands praising God! Please let others know my story if you get a chance. It might help someone else. Thank you again.
L. B. - Alabama
Hello!! I've attended Sabbath worship and Bible study for about 2 months, but I started to feel/think "Something is wrong with SDA's doctrines", so I looked for information through Internet. A few days ago I found your website, and I read all articles, listened to all RealPlayer files including your sermons. All of them answered my question "Why I feel 'Something is wrong'?", and you made it very very clear what's the problem of SDA's teachings. That's so great!! Today (on Sunday) I visited Southern Baptist church in Yokohama (where I live) and I attended both Bible study and Sunday worship. Wow, they are really so wonderful!! Unlike SDA's Bible study, I could read Gospel of Matthew verse by verse with people of this church, and on the worship service I listened to very great sermon...The pastor will be preaching from Epistle to the Colossians throughout the Autumn months, and he recommends church members to bring notebooks to take notes to understand Colossians and the Christ-filled life from Apostle Paul. That's really incredible. I've attended some churches of some different denominations since my childhood by my will (My family is not interested in Christianity), but I've never taken such a wonderful Bible lesson!!
Although I am not SDA member, I almost started to believe SDA's doctrines are true. I want to say "Thank you" for your eye opening work!! Arigato (Japanese word, meaning "Thanks") and May God bless you!!
A.O. - Japan
I was born into the SDA church. All I knew was that I couldn't do this or that from sun down on Fri till sun down on Sat. And that there were a lot of rules to go by and I learned that it was no fun going to church. I always felt out of place as a child because I didn't fit into one of the clicks that the children tend to form. Now the people in general are very nice and caring, but when it comes right down to it I feel that if you had little money then you were always at the bottom of the list. You were pressured to give more money than you could for this or that and in my own opinion it was unnecessary. We would give what we could and then be asked why we were not giving more and made to feel bad about it. Now I don't recall specifics just a lot of hurt feelings as I was growing up. My sister and I were enrolled into the SDA elementary school and from my viewpoint as a child at the time I'm very glad it didn't last very long. I think the best part about the church school was that they incorporated the Bible into the curriculum. I stopped going to church when I was 15 or 16 and I wasn't too unhappy about that. Growing up my parents made me go weather I wanted to or not so this just made me not want to go even more. Well, the years went by and I would drop in here and there to see if I might want to walk my path again and every time I went I never felt welcomed. I gave it several chances and it never seemed to be right for me. Well, I got married and had children and all the time I felt something was missing in my life and it was God who was missing. It wasn't until I was divorced and on my own again that I found my way back to God. I knew I needed Him and I wanted to find the right place for me. It was hard. I searched many churches until one day at work a friend of mine told me about his church. Calvary Community Church. He told me all about Pastor Mark and his past SDA dealings and I thought that I had to give this church a chance since we already had something in common. So I went and I did completely feel at home with the group of people. I decided that this is where I want to be. This is my new home and family. I can't think of a better place to worship than with others who love God so much! I was saved on Christmas Eve 1999. Praise God!!!!!
Thank you for reaching out to me and accepting me into your flock.
Much love,
R.P. - Phoenix, Arizona
I pastor a non-denominational church start currently renting space in a 7th Day facility but soon to be relocating to our new site. Because we share space (and the 7th Day Elders have encouraged me to do so) I have read many books from 7th Day sources.
I can say your site is right on target. Your site is factual when quoting their sources and has been very helpful to me lately. I have been in dialogue with one of their members who is preparing for their pastoral ministry and have taken the questions you offer to him.
Thanks for your ministry. Many can't, and shouldn't, read their material to the degree I have and your site makes research so accessible.
Again, you offer a valuable resource on 7th Day Adventism.
(name removed to preserve anonymity)
I am a SDA and have been one since I was 17 (I am now 50). I happened to come upon your website - - by accident when researching something else. I try to have an open mind and always wondered why so many people didn't see the importance of keeping the weekly Saturday Sabbath. I listen to Chuck Swindoll, Hank Hanegraaff (the Bible Answer Man) and enjoy their programs and admire their faith and knowledge, but always wondered why even these people don't believe that keeping the weekly Saturday Sabbath is important now. Well, to make a long story shorter, I sent away for some tapes and books from Calvary Chapel. I've concentrated more on the law and the covenants, and I can't believe I've never seen (or really understood) how all of it fits together so perfectly. I think I've listened to the two tapes on the law and the covenants about 10 times (when I'm driving to and from work). I can't believe all these years I've been keeping a sign of the Old Covenant.
I have one daughter, age 15, who has been raised an SDA. I also have 3 stepchildren, age 23, 22, and 20 - all of whom are SDA's. All except the oldest live with my husband and I, who is also an SDA (all of his life). I have talked to my daughter some about the covenants, the Sabbath- and she has listened to one side of the first tape on the law and the covenants. She is interested and wants to listen more and agrees with what she has heard. She also told me though that she doesn't think we should go to another church. I've also talked a little to my step-daughter who told me I should talk to an SDA pastor she knew where she went to school. My husband, when I tried to talk to him a little about what I had been listening to and reading, told me that in the last days the devil will try to confuse people-- so I didn't go any further with him. I don't want to confuse anyone or ruin anyone's faith - especially my daughter's - because of how young she is. There are not any young people her age in our church - only 4 boys a little younger than her and one in his older teens.
I am praying that God will show me the best way to tell my family. Also, my parents are SDA's and my father won't even listen to the tapes. He is part of the historical advent movement. I really want to share with them the freedom in Christ that God wants us to have now that we are under the New Covenant.
P.H. - Massachusetts
Dear Pastor Martin,
I wish to applaud your excellent study on the Sabbath that appears on your Website. I am also a former SDA minister. I wholeheartedly endorse all the material on your Website. My wife and I are active members of the First Evangelical Free Church here in Lincoln, Nebraska. We officially left Seventh-day Adventism in 2000 after being devout members for over forty years. God called us out of Adventism in His own time. I firmly believe that He redeems our past.
The last major SDA tenet that we overcame was their teaching about the state of the dead. Conditionalism and soul sleep seem to hang on in Adventist minds more than any other doctrine. I have noticed that many former Adventists still hang unto this heresy. The excellent book titled, DEATH AND THE AFTERLIFE, by Dr. Robert Morey was a great help in our finally accepting the biblical view of death.
I am pleased to learn that you pastor a very large church in Phoenix. I read your account in PROCLAMATION magazine. Please be assured that your able, online ministry touches many lives. May God continue to abundantly bless you and your family.
In awe of Calvary,
D. F. - Lincoln, Nebraska
Hello, Thank you for your website. I was almost sucked in! A few Sundays in a row, I woke up, early mornings and found this "very interesting" and "very likeable" pastor on "Amazing Facts" television. I even called the phone number at the end of the show and in no time started receiving little magazines that were easy to read and made very good sense to me... especially since my dear mother had recently died and I've been angry about it and looking for answers, the big "why" question. I mentioned to one of my relatives that I was reading these "really interesting" pamphlets and they laughed telling me WHO Amazing Facts really was and that was exactly how they get people sucked in. I called the phone number and just came out and asked them if there were associated with SDA and was told yes. I let them know what awful people they were for playing people like that. It's bothered me since then and I started doing searches on the internet to see if I could find out more. Like, why in their booklets and on their TV programs do they not mention this Ellen White? Anyway, thank you for your web site. I really feel betrayed because I ordered the pamphlets hoping to find answers to why my mother was taken from me. I just wish I would have thought to ask one of my relatives before I read all their "stuff".
M. K.
I am a junior at a University in South Carolina. I discovered your website a few weeks ago and love it! I have enjoyed reading all about the SDA Church while at the same time seeing God's truth revealed and defended by Scripture. Y'all have done a wonderful job! Thank you, Pastor Mark! You are a blessing!
Thank you Pastor,
I have just finished reading The Ten Commandments Twice Removed (TCTR) review by Jon Zens located on your site. I’m really impressed with the concise way he has "hit the nail on the head". We really needed his brilliant review 30 years ago to ably present the comparisons between the straight and crooked sticks. This compliments the other excellent material on this site. I am also following Mazzafarri's detailed critique on 1844 on the link you guys have provided. We were involved with Adventism in the period leading up to the "heady 80's era" running forum's etc. to allow a much wider platform for discussion and thought exchange that was not tolerated by the SDA Church controlled sector. It is great to see that more and more of the "Adventist flock" are daring to start searching and doing independent studies, apart from the Adventist drip fed diet. Thanks for all the other information that you have available on your site enabling us to be much more effective concerning Adventism. Of much more importance is the Calvary facility which is so effectively communicating the New Testament Scriptural Gospel. Thanks to your team for your appreciated efforts to get the word out to all of us who need it worldwide. God will keep blessing as we all continue to make ourselves available to finish the work of spreading the true gospel.
*Additional testimonies can be found on our Audio page.
Taking Off Adventist Sunglasses
Your Stories
Here are just a few of the letters we have received:
Judy, I too am exadventist and I loved your analogy of the Adventist sunglasses. It is true, and I can relate to each former Adventist testimony, as I spent 32 years in the church. I came out about a year ago, and am still finding some things difficult. Haven't even attempted to get into some things, like the unclean foods issue, or the state of the dead. I find it a sad thing that we have such a difficult time trying to deprogram from SDA religion. I wish there were some deprogramming materials available to us, until then I find comfort in reading others stories, and relating to them.
Thanks for sharing,
Hi Tom,
I hope you remember me, you were in my class at O__ Academy, we began our education together in 1st grade. Praise God! I was so excited to read yours and your wife's testimony on the web. I can't imagine how challenging it has been for the two of you coming from your SDA background, especially you having a pastor dad. I made the journey out of Adventism about 10 years ago, and it has been so exciting to see how God has worked to bring me into a saving relationship with Him.
My mom started the journey out in our family, she was going thru some difficult personal times and was moved to attend a women's Bible study at Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa. She was BLOWN away by the presence of the Spirit there, the joy of the believers; she just could not get enough. She continued to attend SDA church with my dad on Sat. but the contrast between the two was so noticeable. At this same time my dad's growing dissatisfaction with the constant preaching of EGW was more that he could stomach and so my mom was prompted by the Spirit to suggest that he begin attending men's study at Calvary. Well, in short time the transition out of SDA church was made and they have never looked back. That has been about 15 yrs. I have 4 siblings, the 2 youngest gave up on church as soon as they graduated from OA and am sorry to say don't really have any desire for spiritual matters. My other sister was saved as a result of "accidentally" finding Greg Laury on the radio as she drove to work. She has given her life to Christ and attends a Bible teaching church.
My dissatisfaction had been smoldering for many years, but due to guilt and the always hanging over my head threat that I would be lost if i was not an SDA prevented me from getting off my backside and studying the truth for myself. Anyway, my parents were praying for me and during a 2 wk stay at their house my dad casually handed me the book White Lie. Well, that was the beginning of the end. I asked if he had any other books, he did, and i just read, read, read. There were days when I did not even get out of my pjs I was so engrossed. I have never been the same since. I did experience a bit of depression, I felt so stupid, so duped, to think that i had been living a lie all these years. God was gracious to me, reminding me that nothing is lost, that He uses everything to accomplish His purposes.
Like you I take full responsibility for my deception. I had access to His word and the ability to read and understand with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, but I chose to believe the interpretation of others. Your description of how you felt when you visited a Bible teaching church for the first time is the same way I felt. The Spirit was so present. It seemed that each time I went to church I could not stop the tears of joy and thanksgiving. God is so good and so faithful. He then led me to some women's Bible studies that were just perfect for beginning to combat the lies of Adventism. At first I thought that the Sabbath and Investigative judgment were the big culprits, I always thought the Investigative Judgment was a bunch of hooey, but as I have continued to study the Word, I find that there was so much error and distortion of the Bible that I felt as if God needed to start from scratch. Spending time in the Word is so amazing, not drudgery or a have to. Now God really is a part of my life and I am in such awe of what He did for me on the cross and how He continues to love me and encourage and empower me to live for Him.
Thank you again for sharing your story. It is always encouraging to read how God has worked so miraculously in the lives of so many. I started this email quite some time ago and am finally getting around to sending it. Anyway, may God continue to bless you and your family as you walk with Him.
Sister in Christ,
PS I sure enjoy Proclamation Magazine, the website is how I came across your testimony
Hi Tom and Judy,
I just want to thank you for writing such the heartfelt, honest article, "Taking off Adventist Sunglasses." Your testimonies really struck home with me. I was first introduced to the SDA beliefs when I met my future husband. He was a 3rd or 4th generation SDA. Never knew anything else. I had had a variety of experience in different churches and finally settled on a non-denomination church that was full of joyful worship, "real" people, and got to know the joy and peace of having Christ in my heart.
I married my husband and started attending the SDA church. I had never felt so judged and so insecure in my life. I was told what I shouldn't wear, what I should wear, what I should eat, what I shouldn't eat. I shouldn't wear earrings, necklaces, and even wearing a wedding ring was questionable. I stayed in the SDA church for years, and even held a position in the church, without even being a member (imagine that!) But after I was in the position, Children's Ministry, I felt it was my duty to become baptized into the church, since I was in charge of teaching children SDA beliefs. I studied with my pastor and he was very convincing. I became baptized on 12/19/2009. It was only at that point that my eyes were opened. And I wanted to run away from the SDA church and it's beliefs! Funny how God works sometimes. I was done pretending to go along with everything and try to fit into this "mold" as a SDA member. I didn't even know who I was anymore. I started to really look into the literature that I was given, the SDA-themed bible, pamphlets, and other reading material. They went straight into the garbage. I pulled out the bible my mother had given me and dove right in again.
Now, we attend an Alliance church on Sundays and are reaping in the benefits of attending a vibrant, welcoming church with contemporary music, complete with drums and guitars, and (gasp) joyful songs! Our kids attend the children's classes and my husband and I enjoy the uplifting and inspiring message each week, just the 2 of us! The SDA church we had attended had no children's ministry during the service, so we spent the entire time hushing our children, in order not to distract others. That is why I started the Children's Ministry there, but it soon fizzled when I was met with almost complete resistance from the families in the SDA church.
Another thing I never understood was why the tithes and offerings were always given to the SDA Conference. That seemed more of like a governing body, who felt that they could decide best what to do with OUR money. Why didn't the money just stay in the church to support the pastoral team, and upkeep of the deteriorating building and church school? I didn't like that idea at all, that our money was leaving the church and going somewhere else, when it was obvious it needed to stay there.
And another thing....why on earth is the word "Sabbath" so overused in the SDA church? Now, every time I hear that word, I just cringe. "Sabbath" was used more than the word "Jesus." Now there's something wrong with that!
I also never believed the hype with Ellen G. White. Thank you so much for your study and revelation on that topic. It just confirmed what I had already thought.
And the Revelation Seminars every year? Do they really think pictures of scary beasts on the signs outside are going to bring people in? And why is so much emphasis placed on this type of seminar every year? Why not have a Love & Respect marriage seminar? Why not organize a group from church and get out into the community and volunteer? And why, oh why, are they so against organized child care during the church service? Did either of you experience any of these things in your SDA church experience?
But my whole main point to this email is, I have been praying for years for my husband's SDA sunglasses to fall off, and God has worked a miracle! Although my husband still believes in the Sabbath time frame, which we have agreed to keep, although I'm not convinced of it, but instead of of respect for my husband, we keep it....he has started going to Sunday church with me and God has opened his eyes to see the shortcomings of the SDA church. I just pray that he will someday grasp the whole concept of having that relationship with Jesus, and leaving all of those SDA restrictions and rules behind. I hope that someday he will come to know the peace, joy, and hope that I have in my heart.
Again, thank you so much for your eye-opening article. I am going to share it with my husband!!
May God continue to bless your family!!
G. D.
Good morning,
Just came across how you became a real Christian, I just wanted to share. We started going to adventist church since I was 9 years old. My father grew up adventist but then left as he grew up. I am third generation adventist nothing to be proud of now. I went to San Diego Academy since junior high and graduated from there. Kept going to church but never really knew Jesus you know what I mean just went because it was like my duty. Got married and than after my husband left church I followed because now I realize it wasn't so much to follow my husband but because I was never really grounded spiritually. Well had a daughter and after she was 3 years old we divorced. Realized needed to go back to church because my daughter needed some foundation for her. She went to San Diego Academy from kindergarten to 8th grade, she is more of a beat to her own drum too many rules regulations no jewelry no makeup she did not get that. We on the other hand did not feel it was a bad thing. I got remarried in one of the San Diego churches did not stay long there though moved to another that was a little less psycho if you were pants they looked down at you my daughters was judged other parents did not want her to be their daughters friends according to them my daughter was too wild (wearing jewelry makeup and wearing pants to church) Not like the other kids, that wore all this stuff out of church. In my daughters words that’s being hypocrite. Always told my daughter be who you are do not need to lie. This other church was a little better, but after she left the academy kids lost contact with her and ignored her. That’s what a lot of kids from there did. And actually their sabbath school class were not very interesting anyways, lecture at school lecture at church, she lost interest and I did not want to force church to her. I totally understood. I went to women's group but then I started losing interest on saturday went to church but just hung out in foyer talking to people. I was not being fed spiritually. I starting looking into non denominational churches and came across a very growing one her in San Diego The Rock. So on October of 2009 attended by myself and have been going there since I am very involved, they are a do something church to help the community and meet their needs. I never understood the adventist churches in San Diego all they do is help their own and do not meet needs of the community or even the city. I am glad to say I have met the Lord and know that I am where He wants me to be. I am so glad I left Adventist church because I would have not grown spiritually.
Hi Judy:
I just read, "Taking Off Adventist Sunglasses" and wanted to let you know that in my search for information on being a former Adventist, your article was the best source I can across thus far.
I've been an SDA for 27 years but have never really had a wonderful, happy relationship with Christ. Most of my prayers over those years went something like this: "I know I am an evil, sinful person and I am so sorry. I hope you love me, though I am disgusting and sinful......." etc.
I now know why I prayed that way, I believed, though EGW, that I would never be forgiven and would always come up short in my walk with Him.
Anyway, I have always longed for a deeper connection to Christ, a happy, joyful relationship. Over the years, I would pray for that happy, joyful relationship with Christ and now, after doing investigation on the internet, I may be on my way to that relationship as I understand more about the SDA beliefs and the "new covenant" beliefs. I am very intrigued and very excited.
Thank you so much for honesty. Thank you so much for all the links quoted in your article.
C. D.
Calgary, Canada
Hi Judy!
I just finished reading your testimony and am sitting here in amazement! It is as if I could have written your letter! Everything is the same with me except I don’t have any children! I am a third generation SDA. I have been led by the Holy Spirit this summer to the truth of grace! I now attend a wonderful church on Sundays and a bible study on Wednesdays. I look forward to every time I am able to attend a service and don’t want to leave when it is over! The people there are full of God’s love and you can just FEEL the Holy Spirit in the church.
I just wanted to write a note and thank you for sharing your story. I too have a story now! I always wondered why none of the SDA’s had a testimony and now I understand. I still have a difficult road ahead because pretty much all of my family are SDA! My Dad still teaches at Andrews University even though he just turned 80 years old! So please pray for me as I try to share my journey with my family.
I love the motto of my new church: “A Community of Truth and Grace”.
Love to you and Tom!
Hi Judy and Tom,
I just finished reading your "story" re leaving the SDA church. Would you be willing for me to ask some questions? I also am searching but feel very lonely since my husband was a pastor until he retired a year ago. He absolutely won't discuss any of my questions. I also have been searching for a long time and felt, until just recently, that I had "it" figured out. That I am saved by grace PERIOD. And it was soooo freeing. But now, I am being tossed in my head about the 10 c's. Why do other churches - Baptist, Christian, Catholic, etc. still use them as a code? I know that they discount the 4th, but the others cause fights in Congress, in State legislature, etc. If they are done away with, where is this coming from?
I feel like you are a life line that God sent me. I hadn't gotten on the forum for 18 months or so and it "just hit me" that maybe there would be someone on it that would understand. Well, meanwhile, I am not actually on the forum because it takes a week or so, BUT I saw your story and have read it completely and saved it.
Anyway, I live on a ranch beside a small town in Arkansas and basically the ONLY people that I know are SDA's since that is where J's ministry was. I am looking for a small group of women to study with because I am dying spiritually. I go to church with J when he goes, but most of the time he doesn't go...we just rest and ride and whatever. My hairdresser is a new covenant Christian and we have wonderful discussions. Basically, she is the only one.
Must close,
.Hello Judy,
My name is ___. I am in the middle of reading your testimony. I just read Hebrews 3 and 4 without my "sunglasses." And I just have to stop right now and tell you....THANK YOU! Thank you for posting it so that I could be led to it and finally, finally, FREE from the sda bondage. Even though I have not attended an sda church in 20 years, the beliefs I was taught as a child have kept me in bondage all these years. The cross finally has meaning to me! I finally understand what "the good news" is. And what good news it is...through Jesus and the cross, we were set free from the law!
I am still doing my own research (even though I am already full well convinced that the sda church is wrong) and will be writing a testimony of my own as soon as I have all my facts and thoughts gathered. Please pray for me that through the testimony I am preparing to write, that I might also lead others to the truth. The real truth found only through Jesus Christ!
Your sister in Christ,
Hi Judy,
My name is A.H. I live in GV. I just read your article about Taking Off Adventist Sunglasses and wanted to thank you for having the courage to share your experiences. I married into an Adventist family 13 years ago. My husband attended Adventist schools from elementary through Loma Linda. Maybe you know the family...
Anyway, last year... after 15 years of struggling with what you wrote about, I chose to start attending a Sunday church which Has been life changing for me in more ways than I have time to tell you about. It has nearly caused the end of my marriage, though, which was/is very sick to begin with. We have 3 young children... and my husband was very unhappy that I was confusing them. (that is putting it mildly. I'm sure you are familiar with the shame and condemnation that this choice has brought). Anyway, I haven't really actively sought support from ex Adventists, but it was so validating to read your letter. I feel like I've just started a journey in being able to calmly defend myself without feeling overwhelmed and intimidated.
Just wanted to say thanks... Your letter was so comforting.. I needed that today. Even better that you live just down the road. It's even possible/ probable that we've crossed paths before.
Thanks again,
Hi Judy,
My name is A.H. I live in GV. I just read your article about Taking Off Adventist Sunglasses and wanted to thank you for having the courage to share your experiences. I married into an Adventist family 13 years ago. My husband attended Adventist schools from elementary through Loma Linda. Maybe you know the family...
Anyway, last year... after 15 years of struggling with what you wrote about, I chose to start attending a Sunday church which Has been life changing for me in more ways than I have time to tell you about. It has nearly caused the end of my marriage, though, which was/is very sick to begin with. We have 3 young children... and my husband was very unhappy that I was confusing them. (that is putting it mildly. I'm sure you are familiar with the shame and condemnation that this choice has brought). Anyway, I haven't really actively sought support from ex Adventists, but it was so validating to read your letter. I feel like I've just started a journey in being able to calmly defend myself without feeling overwhelmed and intimidated.
Just wanted to say thanks... Your letter was so comforting.. I needed that today. Even better that you live just down the road. It's even possible/ probable that we've crossed paths before.
Thanks again,
I don't know if you remember me--I have been a member of ___ for over 10 years. Very recently, I "stumbled" across your testimony on, and I was hoping you would be willing to share a bit with me.
Perhaps that's not the best way to put it. Your testimony is quite comprehensive, and I have even printed a copy so I can go back and look at the various issues that you raise with the SDA church. To be quite honest, I am so new to this idea of questioning what the Adventist church teaches, I'm really looking for people I can trust whom I can talk to about this. I'm 47 years old, 5th generation Adventist. You can even find letters from EGW to my great-great-grandfather, and a story how God cured his stammering so he could preach the gospel for the church. Let's just say I have been thoroughly steeped in the SDA culture.
But I have not known what I believed, and I have spent nearly a lifetime feeling condemned, guilty, hopeless, and depressed. I have assumed that the problem lay with me, since it couldn't possibly be God's problem. And doesn't the church speak for God? I have read Paul's letters in which he speaks of grace and freedom in Christ, and I have longed for that--but I've always "known" that there is more to it than that, that it just isn't that simple. But I have had the privilege recently of working with some wonderful, godly people--who are not Adventist--and I have found myself thinking, "How can it be true that they are going to be lost just because they don't have 'the truth' of the SDA church?" They are so full of the love of the Lord, and fired up to serve Him with their whole hearts. How can that be wrong? So I've started to question, and I've started to study.
Not long ago, my 17 year old daughter asked me one Sabbath morning, "Mom, why does everyone look so unhappy?" I looked around and realized that she had spoken the truth that I had been ignoring for so long. She was right. Few people were smiling. There was no feeling of joy, no rejoicing in the Lord. That particular sermon may also have contained some admonition that if you aren't doing this or that (door-to-door evangelism is a favorite), you are not obeying the word of the Lord. Shortly after that, we decided to attend church for Easter Sunday service. The difference was mind-blowing. The simple fact is, I want what they have, and I'm not finding it where I am currently.
Thank you for taking the time to even read this. If you could recommend books--I'm especially interested in studies on the two covenants right now--I would be so grateful. God bless you in your journey, Judy.
Hello, I have read your letter and wanted to say Praise God. I was not raised in a religious home but at 50 I came to know and love Jesus. That was 6 years ago and I have been searching for a church since. This spring I got a flyer in the mail that looked very interesting to me. It was for a seminar called "Amazing Facts", I was totally unaware as to who sent it to me as there was not any affiliation listed. I was able to attend and went through with 98 % of it until I heard from a friend whos boyfriend is an ex-adventist and she steered me to your website. Up until then I felt like I had finally found my home church. I soaked up everything and the speaker Dave Steward was fabulous to boot. Very convincing at the least. And me not really knowing if I was really hearing the truth, I really felt good about it and the very friendly people there as well BUT now I do know the truth and how sad I was to really understand their motives. I felt violated in some way. Anyway I just thought I would share with you. I am now just staying home reading the Bible and studying Gods word.
Hello my name is U, and I read your testimony about coming out of the Adventist church, I just want to say when I started to read it I could not put it down, I am also a former adventist, My mom and I have been attending Calvary chapel here in WA for four years now and really feel blessed and closer to God than ever before.
I also had my name removed from the church's books because I no longer agree with the doctrines being taught.
Thank you for sharing your story, it is such an encouragement to keep moving forward and to stay close to God.
God bless you both
I have just finished reading your testimony of your freedom from SDA and finding true joy and peace in a relationship with Jesus Christ. It was wonderful and reminded me of the way the Lord delivered my husband and me from all our false beliefs from our involvement in Mormonism, new age, and the Worldwide Church of God. We too, had a bonfire to burn all the many books, magazines, and pamphlets we had full of unbiblical teachings. I remember that sense of freedom and joy in the Lord that you expressed so well.
May Jesus continue to guide you and fill you and your family with His love, peace, and joy each day.
In Christ,
Hello Tom & Judy,
This is a note to THANK YOU for sharing your testimonies on I have printed off your entire writing and am eager to read it and soak it up like a sponge!
I became an Adventist in the early 60's as my in-laws at that time had read themselves into the "truth" while living in Brazil and were a great influence on me. I had been raised in Lutheran church schools. I was a nominal SDA for many years and truly enjoyed the socialization and tried to live by the "rules".
I remarried in 1970 to a "Jack Mormon" and took the studies for his sake but could not accept their beliefs. So I set out to convert him to Adventism while living in Scappoose, Or. Success! More great fellowship and BOY did I study faithfully the writings of EGW! I knew her writings far more than the Bible and even began wearing my dresses 8" from the ground!!!
I, too, would question various beliefs but passed them off due to a lack of understanding. We attended "offshoot" SDA camp meetings and even orchestrated one in Mariposa, CA. Left the church for five years while we followed EGW's teachings to the max!!!
I played organ/piano for a Presbyterian Church for seven years in Hollister, CA and I must say they were precious people and I couldn't understand why they were so happy, wearing jewelry, eating unclean meats and didn't see the "truth"! They were so blessed! Also, how could the Gaither's be so blessed and not accept the "truth"!?!
Fast forward to 40 years later, 2006. I found FormerAdventist and began to dig deeply even reading Canright's books and testimonies. What a painful thing to discover I may have been wrong! But I never had honestly let the Lord into my life!
While visiting my sister in Denver, I attended Clay Peck's Grace Place. What an awesome experience as I fellowshipped there with former Adventists and listened to their testimonies! That was another turning point for me.
I had an acquaintance whose father had been an SDA preacher but she had left the church and was fellowshipping at Calvary Chapel near Sequim, WA. She invited me to attend and what a difference! Eventually my daughter and I had our names removed from the SDA books and found the Lord in a "Sunday-keeping" church, we were now part of Babylon!!!
My husband felt I would be responsible for my daughter's loss of eternal life by leading her away from the "truth". He continued to watch 3ABN but after inviting him for 3-1/2 years to fellowship one time with us at Calvary Chapel he has now been attending for six months! He rarely misses a Sunday or Wednesday night service and doesn't fall asleep! He says he is learning new things and goes because he wants to do something with me! I don't even have to invite him anymore! He still continues to listen to 3ABN on Saturday mornings but the rest of the day he does his own thing. I can see fruit in his life and a change in his prayer life. I may not understand or believe everything taught at Calvary Chapel but I know this is where God has placed me for now. What a burden lifted off my shoulders and Jesus has filled my heart and life!
My husband has agreed to read your testimony with me and perhaps he will eventually break those chains that bind him to Adventism!
Thank you so much for sharing!
Dear Judy,
This is a letter of encouragement to you. I was just on J. Mark Martin's website and saw your letter of exit from SDA ~ what a surprise! It's been awhile since I've seen your name, and I thought "that name sounds familiar." It took a bit to make the connection. Of course, I probably know you better than you know me, if you remember me at all. I used to get your homeschool newsletter. My children are all grown up now, so I no longer homeschool, but am still very connected to and involved in the homeschooling community.
Our exit from SDA took a long time ~ much longer than yours seems to have taken. Sometimes I think we're just so busy with life that things don't sink in! Somehow I was on the mailing list for Proclamation Magazine from the very beginning. I have every issue. I kept reading about the New Covenant, but it was several YEARS before I heard about it in another context outside of the magazine & suddenly I thought, "I think that's what that Proclamation Magazine keeps talking about." So I went and dug out my old copies and sure enough! I was really exited then, and that's when I started getting serious about figuring things out.
Because of circumstances in my life, it has been a lot longer for the transition to occur, although my story is similar to your in some ways. I have another ex-SDA friend (I've not met her in person) whom I correspond with. We encourage each other a lot. I consider myself a non-denominational, New Covenant Christian; however, I usually attend the local 4-Sq church. I have found that having another ex-SDA to bounce things off of has been very helpful because non-SDA's have a hard time really understanding where we've come from. There are things they will never understand.
Anyway, I don't know what your support base is, so if you need someone to bounce things off of, feel free to write me. And I just want to encourage you to keep on ~ you're going in the right direction!
In Christ,
Good Afternoon, I just finished reading most of your story, and I totally agree with what you have found. I was raised as a 2 generation Adventist, and was miserable most of the time with it. Unlike you, I did not enjoy my time in the church for the most time and have endured many rude moments within every sda venue I have been at. I currently work at an sda business and I am appalled quite often at the pride and arrogance I encounter. I have studied my way out like you have and now have a Christian worldview and not an Adventist worldview. I guess what really upsets me the most is the total lack of love for Christians that Adventists have. I often feel like I can't stand to hear anymore of the doctrines and beliefs. I too agree that EGW and all the false teachings have to be ejected before they can be accepted into Christianity. I have looked at it from both sides now and it looks very different from the outside looking in. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I enjoyed your story and that I love our Lord and long to see Him face to face!!
Tom & Judy,
I just read your article with tears rolling down my cheek!!! My husband is SDA, born into it as both of you were, and his story is about identical to your EXCEPT he has yet to be freed from its snares. I am writing you for a few reasons: 1) to congratulate you both on stepping into a relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord!!!!!!!! Worshipping Him is the most beautiful, most intimate experience on earth! I enjoy Sundays in church more than any time of the week. 2) to thank you for boldly sharing your story on the web 3) to ask you to pray, by name, for my husband ___, who is heavily OPPRESSED by the SDA church/culture. It's very late and telling you his story would take much longer than I have time for tonight, but I will write again later. But Tom, what you wrote about sounded exactly like my husband. I was not raised SDA nor do I have any desire whatsoever to be affiliated with it, but I do love my husband. But literally on the brink of divorce, because this division is tearing us apart, he agreed to go with me on Sundays (only to keep the marriage from separation). He's hearing truth, finally, but his pride is soooo strong, and he's soooo determined to not be wrong about his entire foundation that refuses to allow himself to enjoy or be open at all to any of the services. I see sooo much falsehood in him. At times he even says "The Bible says.........." and then quote something wrote EGW, not the Bible. He is sooo indoctrinated in it that there is a huge wall between us and he often treats me like I'm the enemy. But I'm so encouraged by your story that I HAD to write you guys and ask for your serious prayer over my husband. And, please, if you have any advice for me....any tips about how to deal with someone so heavily in that culture, please share them with me. I've been feeling a bit desperate lately.
God bless you both, richly, in your new walk with Him!
Hi Judy & Tom.
I have just read your story on the ExAdventist website. I would like to thank you for your honesty! Your story has helped me make some decisions about my current situation. I am still 'attending' an SDA church but have just recently started questioning some of the SDA beliefs. I must admit that I am firstly having to really look at what I'm supposed to believe as an SDA before I can work out what is right & wrong! Silly how we just accept SDA teachings without really knowing where they come from...
Thanks again, and all the very best wishes to you both.
I have many times wanted to talk about how you felt about the SDA doctrines. You two seemed to have gotten the Holy Spirit down when ___ and I went to your marriage retreat but did not understand how it all worked for you. You have a great way, and in such good detail, to as why you left the church, which I am not as eloquent at it. I wish I would have invited you to Women’s Connection Nov. 19 because I just gave a teaching about how the Holy Spirit does not use guilt to convict us and It's the work of the Holy Spirit that changes us not the work of ourselves along with my own personal testimony. I did not use the name of the SDA church but I do know many people have been hurt by religion and the law. God just want a relationship with him first then the rest (which we understand in two different ways) falls into place. OH the Joy of having reassurance of my salvation.
Thanks for sharing your story.
Depoimento de Phillipe Hotman
Em Cristo,
Hélio S. Júnior
I don't know if you remember me--I have been a member of ___ for over 10 years. Very recently, I "stumbled" across your testimony on, and I was hoping you would be willing to share a bit with me.
Perhaps that's not the best way to put it. Your testimony is quite comprehensive, and I have even printed a copy so I can go back and look at the various issues that you raise with the SDA church. To be quite honest, I am so new to this idea of questioning what the Adventist church teaches, I'm really looking for people I can trust whom I can talk to about this. I'm 47 years old, 5th generation Adventist. You can even find letters from EGW to my great-great-grandfather, and a story how God cured his stammering so he could preach the gospel for the church. Let's just say I have been thoroughly steeped in the SDA culture.
But I have not known what I believed, and I have spent nearly a lifetime feeling condemned, guilty, hopeless, and depressed. I have assumed that the problem lay with me, since it couldn't possibly be God's problem. And doesn't the church speak for God? I have read Paul's letters in which he speaks of grace and freedom in Christ, and I have longed for that--but I've always "known" that there is more to it than that, that it just isn't that simple. But I have had the privilege recently of working with some wonderful, godly people--who are not Adventist--and I have found myself thinking, "How can it be true that they are going to be lost just because they don't have 'the truth' of the SDA church?" They are so full of the love of the Lord, and fired up to serve Him with their whole hearts. How can that be wrong? So I've started to question, and I've started to study.
Not long ago, my 17 year old daughter asked me one Sabbath morning, "Mom, why does everyone look so unhappy?" I looked around and realized that she had spoken the truth that I had been ignoring for so long. She was right. Few people were smiling. There was no feeling of joy, no rejoicing in the Lord. That particular sermon may also have contained some admonition that if you aren't doing this or that (door-to-door evangelism is a favorite), you are not obeying the word of the Lord. Shortly after that, we decided to attend church for Easter Sunday service. The difference was mind-blowing. The simple fact is, I want what they have, and I'm not finding it where I am currently.
Thank you for taking the time to even read this. If you could recommend books--I'm especially interested in studies on the two covenants right now--I would be so grateful. God bless you in your journey, Judy.
Hello, I have read your letter and wanted to say Praise God. I was not raised in a religious home but at 50 I came to know and love Jesus. That was 6 years ago and I have been searching for a church since. This spring I got a flyer in the mail that looked very interesting to me. It was for a seminar called "Amazing Facts", I was totally unaware as to who sent it to me as there was not any affiliation listed. I was able to attend and went through with 98 % of it until I heard from a friend whos boyfriend is an ex-adventist and she steered me to your website. Up until then I felt like I had finally found my home church. I soaked up everything and the speaker Dave Steward was fabulous to boot. Very convincing at the least. And me not really knowing if I was really hearing the truth, I really felt good about it and the very friendly people there as well BUT now I do know the truth and how sad I was to really understand their motives. I felt violated in some way. Anyway I just thought I would share with you. I am now just staying home reading the Bible and studying Gods word.
Hello my name is U, and I read your testimony about coming out of the Adventist church, I just want to say when I started to read it I could not put it down, I am also a former adventist, My mom and I have been attending Calvary chapel here in WA for four years now and really feel blessed and closer to God than ever before.
I also had my name removed from the church's books because I no longer agree with the doctrines being taught.
Thank you for sharing your story, it is such an encouragement to keep moving forward and to stay close to God.
God bless you both
I have just finished reading your testimony of your freedom from SDA and finding true joy and peace in a relationship with Jesus Christ. It was wonderful and reminded me of the way the Lord delivered my husband and me from all our false beliefs from our involvement in Mormonism, new age, and the Worldwide Church of God. We too, had a bonfire to burn all the many books, magazines, and pamphlets we had full of unbiblical teachings. I remember that sense of freedom and joy in the Lord that you expressed so well.
May Jesus continue to guide you and fill you and your family with His love, peace, and joy each day.
In Christ,
Hello Tom & Judy,
This is a note to THANK YOU for sharing your testimonies on I have printed off your entire writing and am eager to read it and soak it up like a sponge!
I became an Adventist in the early 60's as my in-laws at that time had read themselves into the "truth" while living in Brazil and were a great influence on me. I had been raised in Lutheran church schools. I was a nominal SDA for many years and truly enjoyed the socialization and tried to live by the "rules".
I remarried in 1970 to a "Jack Mormon" and took the studies for his sake but could not accept their beliefs. So I set out to convert him to Adventism while living in Scappoose, Or. Success! More great fellowship and BOY did I study faithfully the writings of EGW! I knew her writings far more than the Bible and even began wearing my dresses 8" from the ground!!!
I, too, would question various beliefs but passed them off due to a lack of understanding. We attended "offshoot" SDA camp meetings and even orchestrated one in Mariposa, CA. Left the church for five years while we followed EGW's teachings to the max!!!
I played organ/piano for a Presbyterian Church for seven years in Hollister, CA and I must say they were precious people and I couldn't understand why they were so happy, wearing jewelry, eating unclean meats and didn't see the "truth"! They were so blessed! Also, how could the Gaither's be so blessed and not accept the "truth"!?!
Fast forward to 40 years later, 2006. I found FormerAdventist and began to dig deeply even reading Canright's books and testimonies. What a painful thing to discover I may have been wrong! But I never had honestly let the Lord into my life!
While visiting my sister in Denver, I attended Clay Peck's Grace Place. What an awesome experience as I fellowshipped there with former Adventists and listened to their testimonies! That was another turning point for me.
I had an acquaintance whose father had been an SDA preacher but she had left the church and was fellowshipping at Calvary Chapel near Sequim, WA. She invited me to attend and what a difference! Eventually my daughter and I had our names removed from the SDA books and found the Lord in a "Sunday-keeping" church, we were now part of Babylon!!!
My husband felt I would be responsible for my daughter's loss of eternal life by leading her away from the "truth". He continued to watch 3ABN but after inviting him for 3-1/2 years to fellowship one time with us at Calvary Chapel he has now been attending for six months! He rarely misses a Sunday or Wednesday night service and doesn't fall asleep! He says he is learning new things and goes because he wants to do something with me! I don't even have to invite him anymore! He still continues to listen to 3ABN on Saturday mornings but the rest of the day he does his own thing. I can see fruit in his life and a change in his prayer life. I may not understand or believe everything taught at Calvary Chapel but I know this is where God has placed me for now. What a burden lifted off my shoulders and Jesus has filled my heart and life!
My husband has agreed to read your testimony with me and perhaps he will eventually break those chains that bind him to Adventism!
Thank you so much for sharing!
Dear Judy,
This is a letter of encouragement to you. I was just on J. Mark Martin's website and saw your letter of exit from SDA ~ what a surprise! It's been awhile since I've seen your name, and I thought "that name sounds familiar." It took a bit to make the connection. Of course, I probably know you better than you know me, if you remember me at all. I used to get your homeschool newsletter. My children are all grown up now, so I no longer homeschool, but am still very connected to and involved in the homeschooling community.
Our exit from SDA took a long time ~ much longer than yours seems to have taken. Sometimes I think we're just so busy with life that things don't sink in! Somehow I was on the mailing list for Proclamation Magazine from the very beginning. I have every issue. I kept reading about the New Covenant, but it was several YEARS before I heard about it in another context outside of the magazine & suddenly I thought, "I think that's what that Proclamation Magazine keeps talking about." So I went and dug out my old copies and sure enough! I was really exited then, and that's when I started getting serious about figuring things out.
Because of circumstances in my life, it has been a lot longer for the transition to occur, although my story is similar to your in some ways. I have another ex-SDA friend (I've not met her in person) whom I correspond with. We encourage each other a lot. I consider myself a non-denominational, New Covenant Christian; however, I usually attend the local 4-Sq church. I have found that having another ex-SDA to bounce things off of has been very helpful because non-SDA's have a hard time really understanding where we've come from. There are things they will never understand.
Anyway, I don't know what your support base is, so if you need someone to bounce things off of, feel free to write me. And I just want to encourage you to keep on ~ you're going in the right direction!
In Christ,
Good Afternoon, I just finished reading most of your story, and I totally agree with what you have found. I was raised as a 2 generation Adventist, and was miserable most of the time with it. Unlike you, I did not enjoy my time in the church for the most time and have endured many rude moments within every sda venue I have been at. I currently work at an sda business and I am appalled quite often at the pride and arrogance I encounter. I have studied my way out like you have and now have a Christian worldview and not an Adventist worldview. I guess what really upsets me the most is the total lack of love for Christians that Adventists have. I often feel like I can't stand to hear anymore of the doctrines and beliefs. I too agree that EGW and all the false teachings have to be ejected before they can be accepted into Christianity. I have looked at it from both sides now and it looks very different from the outside looking in. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I enjoyed your story and that I love our Lord and long to see Him face to face!!
Tom & Judy,
I just read your article with tears rolling down my cheek!!! My husband is SDA, born into it as both of you were, and his story is about identical to your EXCEPT he has yet to be freed from its snares. I am writing you for a few reasons: 1) to congratulate you both on stepping into a relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord!!!!!!!! Worshipping Him is the most beautiful, most intimate experience on earth! I enjoy Sundays in church more than any time of the week. 2) to thank you for boldly sharing your story on the web 3) to ask you to pray, by name, for my husband ___, who is heavily OPPRESSED by the SDA church/culture. It's very late and telling you his story would take much longer than I have time for tonight, but I will write again later. But Tom, what you wrote about sounded exactly like my husband. I was not raised SDA nor do I have any desire whatsoever to be affiliated with it, but I do love my husband. But literally on the brink of divorce, because this division is tearing us apart, he agreed to go with me on Sundays (only to keep the marriage from separation). He's hearing truth, finally, but his pride is soooo strong, and he's soooo determined to not be wrong about his entire foundation that refuses to allow himself to enjoy or be open at all to any of the services. I see sooo much falsehood in him. At times he even says "The Bible says.........." and then quote something wrote EGW, not the Bible. He is sooo indoctrinated in it that there is a huge wall between us and he often treats me like I'm the enemy. But I'm so encouraged by your story that I HAD to write you guys and ask for your serious prayer over my husband. And, please, if you have any advice for me....any tips about how to deal with someone so heavily in that culture, please share them with me. I've been feeling a bit desperate lately.
God bless you both, richly, in your new walk with Him!
Hi Judy & Tom.
I have just read your story on the ExAdventist website. I would like to thank you for your honesty! Your story has helped me make some decisions about my current situation. I am still 'attending' an SDA church but have just recently started questioning some of the SDA beliefs. I must admit that I am firstly having to really look at what I'm supposed to believe as an SDA before I can work out what is right & wrong! Silly how we just accept SDA teachings without really knowing where they come from...
Thanks again, and all the very best wishes to you both.
I have many times wanted to talk about how you felt about the SDA doctrines. You two seemed to have gotten the Holy Spirit down when ___ and I went to your marriage retreat but did not understand how it all worked for you. You have a great way, and in such good detail, to as why you left the church, which I am not as eloquent at it. I wish I would have invited you to Women’s Connection Nov. 19 because I just gave a teaching about how the Holy Spirit does not use guilt to convict us and It's the work of the Holy Spirit that changes us not the work of ourselves along with my own personal testimony. I did not use the name of the SDA church but I do know many people have been hurt by religion and the law. God just want a relationship with him first then the rest (which we understand in two different ways) falls into place. OH the Joy of having reassurance of my salvation.
Thanks for sharing your story.
Depoimento de Phillipe Hotman
Em Cristo,
Hélio S. Júnior
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Jesus Cristo, o Sábado da Nova Aliança
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Nosso Lema: A Verdade não precisa de outro fundamento que não a investigação honesta, sob a orientação do Espírito Santo e a vontade de seguir a Verdade quando for descoberta. "E conhecereis a verdade, e a verdade vos libertará." João 8:32
Nossa Mensagem: "Porque pela graça sois salvos, mediante a fé, e isto não vem de vós, é dom de Deus, não como resultado de obras, para que ninguém se glorie". Efésios 2:8-9
Nosso Método: Em amor escrever, orar e divulgar matérias escritas por teólogos e pastores ex-adventistas que fornecem informações precisas sobre a doutrina e prática da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo dia.
Nosso Mandato: Cerca de 300.000 membros deixam a Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia a cada ano. Muitas dessas pessoas queridas passam por um momento muito difícil de transição para outras igrejas cristãs. Eles foram ensinados que uma vez que aceitam os testemunhos de Ellen White e o Sábado do sétimo dia e depois, se abandona-los, eles perderiam a sua salvação. Observe as seguintes citações de Ellen White que os adventistas ainda consideram ser uma "fonte" autorizada da verdade, inspirada no mesmo nível que os profetas do Antigo Testamento como Isaías e Jeremias:
"It is Satan's plan to weaken the faith of God’s people in the Testimonies [writings of Ellen White] . Next follows skepticism in regard to the vital points of our faith, the pillars of our position, then doubt as to the Holy Scriptures, and then the downward march to perdition. When the Testimonies, which were once believed, are doubted and given up, Satan knows the deceived ones will not stop at this; and he redoubles his efforts till he launches them into open rebellion, which becomes incurable and ends in destruction.” Ellen G. White, Testimonies to the Church, Vol. 4, p. 211.
“If you lose confidence in the Testimonies you will drift away from Bible truth.” Ellen G. White, Testimonies to the Church, Vol. 5, p. 98.
"Then I was shown a company who were howling in agony. On their garments was written in large characters, 'Thou art weighed in the balance, and found wanting.' I asked who this company were. The angel said, 'these are they who have once kept the Sabbath and have given it up.'" Ellen G. White, Early Writings, p. 37
"God will never, never allow any man to pass through the pearly gates of the city of God who does not bear the signet of the faithful, His government mark." [in context the signet mark is the Sabbath] Ellen G. White, Medical Ministry, p. 123.
"God will frown upon those who disregard his commandments and he cannot bless the church that retains Sabbath-breakers in its fellowship." Ellen G. White, Signs of the Times, 1890-06-02.
Pode-se ver o trauma, interno intenso que os adventistas têm de enfrentar quando tentam deixar esses ensinamentos sectários de Ellen White.
Nosso Ministério: Temos ajudado milhares de pessoas na transição para fora do Adventismo, a encontrarem a certeza da salvação na justiça de Cristo somente, a tornarem-se fundamentados na Palavra de Deus e encontrar comunhão em igrejas cristãs saudáveis.